Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet A Quick Overview of the Condition Known As Hypothyroidism.
These days, modern medicine has discovered many forms of glandular problems. One that's prevalent in America is known as hypothyroidism, which is described as a problem with the thyroid gland not producing enough of the thyroid hormones. This is a condition that's normally associated with adult women, particularly women over fifty years of age. When the thyroid is not up to its normal activity level many health problems can manifest as a result.
Doctors can perform diagnostic tests in order to verify that hypothyroidism is the underlying issue, however, the condition can actually be somewhat difficult to spot in the earlier phases since many times there aren't actually any identifying symptoms initially.
After the initial stages of the condition, symptoms do begin to manifest, and it's at this point when doctors are able to properly diagnose hypothyroidism. These symptoms can actually develop quite slowly and over a lengthy period of time. The things to look out for include:
-Lethargy, or a general reduction of energy. This can show up as a sluggish feeling, or just not having as much "pep" as you would normally have.
-An increase in weight. Oftentimes, this seems to just come out of nowhere and can happen even if you haven't made any changes in your diet or increased your overall calorie intake.
-Some swelling in your face. Your face may look somewhat puffier than normal, or your cheeks might appear to be bloated.
-A general ache in your muscles and weakness. Also, you might experience some pain in your joints and they might even become swollen or stiff
So what actually causes hypothyroidism? There are many different reasons for the thyroid gland to have a reduction in its activity, though usually it can be attributed to an autoimmune disorder known as Hashimoto thyroiditis. What this does is stimulate the immune system into creating antibodies that actually cause damage to the thyroid gland.
The good news is that hypothyroidism is simple to treat once it's been diagnosed, but if it goes unchecked without any treatment, it can actually lead to other health problems. The symptoms listed above are just a few of the signs of the condition, so if you suspect you may have hypothyroidism, be sure to set up an appointment with your physician as soon as possible.
hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.