Monday, May 14, 2012

Your Thyroids Role in Weight Control

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Your Thyroids Role in Weight Control.

The thyroid is an amazing little gland that plays a significant role in your overall health and well being by regulating your metabolism. If it becomes under active then the correct amount of thyroid hormone essential to your body's needs will be under produced.

The condition is known as hypothyroidism and the most common form is as an autoimmune disorder known as Hashimoto's Disease named after the Japanese doctor who discovered it in 1912. Hypothyroidism causes a general slowing down of the metabolism. There are many symptoms that are associated with this condition and weight gain, or difficulty in losing weight, are just two of them.

For example, let's say that you want to lose weight at a rate of 2 pounds per week. This would mean that you would have to ingest and/or burn off 7000 calories per week less than you are doing now (3500 calories is equal to 1 pound of body fat). Let's also say that you stick to this for several weeks but you aren't losing the weight that you should be. Even worse you might find that you have lost no weight at all or perhaps even gained a little. There are two possible explanations for this...

1 - You may have seriously misjudged your calorie intake.

2 - You may be suffering from some degree of hypothyroidism.

To compound this, an under active thyroid can also makes you feel tired, lethargic, weak and just generally weary. If you are feeling like this then you're not going to be in any mood to exercise. If you are having trouble losing weight or experiencing weight gain without a change in your diet and/or lifestyle it may be time to consult your doctor.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Your Life Style - Is It Causing Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Your Life Style - Is It Causing Hypothyroidism.

Hashimoto's Disease is the most common condition that leads to hypothyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease where your body own antibodies fight the cells of the thyroid gland. Failure of the Pituitary Gland resulting in reduction or loss of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone secretion can also cause an under-active thyroid. These factors are disease specific and in some cases have a genetic component. But other causes such as stress, inactivity, and poor diet are life style choices, which also lead to hypothyroid symptoms.

In today's society, there are so many stress factors in life such as the balance between work and home, your children's activities and your own, cooking and cleaning. No wonder we stressed to the max! When I was having problems with an under-active thyroid, I basically knew my problem was related to life style choices. Of course, I had all the testing done to make sure I did not have an underlining disease or gland disorder but I really had to take a look at my life style. My day started at 5:30am and ended at 11:30pm to midnight everyday. I like what I do as a health care professional and I try to get a lot accomplished in one day but I had to start making myself go to bed at 9:30pm and this made a big difference on how I felt on a daily basis.

Inactivity is another one of those life style choices that cause hypothyroidism. We all know the benefits of exercise. So I am not going to go into it here. But 30 minutes of exercises can make a world of difference on how you feel physically. There are many different exercises such as yoga that not only help reduce stress but also can help you to lose weight.

A poor diet can also cause major problems with our body's immune response to diseases. As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. To keep your thyroid performing at an optimal level, you need to eat foods rich in iodine, zinc, selenium, and cooper. Also the amino acid tyrosine is often deficient in hypothyroidism. Incorporate foods in your diet such as beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds, soy products, and fish to get plenty of these nutrients.

As you can see the causes of hypothyroidism can be two-fold one relating to life style choices and the other being a true disorder of the thyroid itself. Do an assessment of yourself and talk with your doctor to see if you fall in one of these categories or both. We all have control over our life style so this is something you can change immediately to help you reverse hypothyroid symptoms.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yeast Infection Cure - Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Yeast Infection Cure - Hypothyroidism.

A yeast infection cure can be linked to what it takes to rid yourself of a potential hypothyroidism.

An undiagnosed low thyroid condition (subclinical hypothyroidism) can make it difficult to eradicate a fungal infection. Standard blood tests for thyroid disease will tell a doctor if the thyroid gland is diseased, but not whether thyroid hormones are functioning at optimal levels. According to alternative healthcare doctors, regular underarm temperatures of 97.6°F or below (or average oral temperatures below 98.6°F), combined with symptoms of low metabolism are likely due to a hidden hypothyroid (low thyroid) condition.

Classically, low-functioning thyroid symptoms include depression Fatigue, cold extremities, fluid retention, trouble losing weight, higher-than average body fat composition, "hypoglycemia," gastrointestinal symptom such as multiple food sensitivities or allergies, and poor response to exercise (for example, getting weaker after months of aerobic exercising).

Checking your temperature for low thyroid is best done using an old-fashioned shake-down thermometer. Take daily readings for a few weeks; this will show an accurate trend. Not all cases of low temperatures are caused by a functionally low thyroid. Aspects of low thyroid are clearly explained in Broda Barnes's book Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness.

Hair loss may be a symptom of hypothyroidism or other hormonal imbalances (such as adrenal, gonadal, or others). Nutritional factors for hypothyroidism and a yeast infection cure include deficiencies in protein, zinc, selenium, silicon, iodine (sea kelp), vitamin A, B-complex vitamins (particularly biotin and inositol), essential fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Low temperatures may reflect suboptimal nutrient levels in the body.

Routine blood tests (T3, T4, T7, TSH) for thyroid may show normal results in unsuspected ("subclinical") hypothyroidism. Or you may find higher-than-normal cholesterol, low vitamin A, and a high carotene level. Active thyroid hormone is required to convert carotene from the diet into vitamin A (retinol), and to help keep cholesterol blood levels low.

In most hypothyroidism, especially in vegetarians, vitamin A will be low and carotene will be high on the blood tests. Evidence is a carrot-orange color on the palms and soles. Many people who have normal thyroid function tests with multiple hypothyroid symptoms will occasionally show high levels of antithyroid antibodies and antimicrosomal antibodies (Hashimoto's thyroidi-tis). The B vitamin PABA, high doses of primrose oil or other essential fatty acids, and vitamin E in high doses may help reverse the condition. If not, low doses of prescribed thyroid hormone (such as desiccated thyroid), slow-release liothyronine (T3), glandular thyroid extract, or homeopathic thyroid drops may relieve symptoms.

In some cases there may be a goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) in the neck. A goiter is a definite indication of weak thyroid function. Supplements with thyroid extract and/or iodine eliminate the signs and symptoms within six weeks. Suddenly, a depression of many years, unresponsive to antidepressant drugs, disappears. Food sensitivities, inability to lose weight on very low-calorie diets, lack of positive results from exercise, and general malaise improve dramatically.

These are things you need to pay attention to when dealing with a yeast infection cure.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Why You Cannot Trust TSH 3 and 4 Test Results for Thyroid Health and Wellness

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Why You Cannot Trust TSH 3 and 4 Test Results for Thyroid Health and Wellness.

I advise all of my clients to specify a full thyroid panel of tests when they get a checkup. Those of us with autoimmune diseases and those with degenerative diseases such as cancer, obesity and other potentially serious diseases often have undetected thyroid issues. In addition to those with health issues, men and women who are 40 and older, whether they have diseases or not, should request full thyroid panel testing when getting a physical.

I have vitiligo -- an autoimmune disease that is often seen as a symptom of a malfunctioning thyroid. Medical doctors were slow to recognize the correlation between thyroid health and vitiligo. I was one advocate in the 1990s who encouraged fellow vitiligo sufferers to take my research to their doctors and demand, if they had to, thyroid testing. Back then, most medical doctors thought of vitiligo as only a "cosmetic" disease. Unfortunately, many still do.

What I've found over the years is, many people like myself, have thyroid problems that go undetected when our doctors test for TSH 3 & 4, without more thorough testing. I've has symptoms of hypo-thyroidism most of my life, but not once has it ever shown up in TSH 3 & TSH4 tests. Ever.

I had a physical 2 weeks ago. I requested the full panel of thyroid tests. The doctor questioned why I wanted it, asking if I had problems in the past. Though my thyroid always tested within "normal" range, I have known I was hypo-thyroid pretty much all of my life based on my lifelong vitiligo and other symptoms such as low body temperature. So, I had to persuade this doctor to do what she should do for every patient -- fully check my thyroid for dysfunction.

When my test results came in the mail this past Monday, my TSH 3 and TSH 4 showed a perfectly normal thyroid range; however, the tests that I had to persuade the doctor to do showed a different story. It showed that I was bordering hypothyroid/Hashimoto's disease. These results are very typical of those of us with vitiligo and/or other autoimmune diseases. It is also typical of many sufferers of other diseases, and for many whose thyroid tests in normal range in the standard TSH 3 & TSH 4 tests.

Undetected thyroid problems are epidemic in the USA, and a large undetected part of the problems of obesity, diabetes and cancers, as many natural health professionals such as myself believe. In the USA, the average person gets little to no iodine in their diet, which is necessary to nourish the thyroid. Bread eaters are blocking absorption of the iodine that may occasionally get in their iodine-poor standard American diets. Supplementing iodine is mandatory for health, thanks to removal of iodine from, and the addition of bromine to bread products.

Since my 20's when I uncovered my own hypo-thyroidism/Hashimoto's tendency via symptoms and by performing the Basal Temperature Test, I've supplemented to improve and nourish my thyroid. My current regimen includes Iodoral iodine, plus raw thyroid glandular supplements to nourish my thyroid to function properly. My body usually signals me when my regimen needs tweaking. I encourage my clients to find a qualified endocrinologist in addition to learning how to monitor their own thyroids via the Basal Temperature test. Once clients learn the symptoms of thyroid problems and learn to listen to their bodies, they often can tell when something is off.

Since many doctors do not go beyond the TSH 3 & 4 thyroid tests, I encourage you to take a proactive role in your health care. Insist on full panel thyroid tests. If I had not insisted on the Thyroid Antibodies test, my bloodwork would've missed a very important fact -- I have a thyroid problem! Since the thyroid controls every metabolic process in my body, my entire state of health -- both physical and mental -- were at stake.

As stated earlier, I've regulated my thyroid since my early 20s and I can sense when my thyroid is off. I knew I had to up my supplements based on how I felt and how my body was holding onto weight. I listen to my body and I know when I either need to lower or raise my supplements, which changes with age, stress levels, lifestyle changes, etc.

A simple basal temperature thermometer is helpful to gauge your own thyroid health, with the Basal Temperature Test. Shake the thermometer down at night, and check your armpit temperature as soon as you awaken, without stirring much, for 5 consecutive days. If your temperature is consistently low, consider further testing, because it signals thyroid issues, despite TSH 3 and 4 results. Find a qualified endocrinologist who is open to your concerns and proactive stance regarding your health when asking for full panel thyroid testing. It could save your health, and ultimately, your life.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Why Most Natural Thyroid Remedies Dont Work For Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Why Most Natural Thyroid Remedies Dont Work For Hypothyroidism.

Millions of people have hypothyroidism. And while many of these people are satisfied with taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone to manage their symptoms, some people look into natural thyroid remedies to help cure their hypothyroid condition. While some people with hypothyroidism can have their health restored back to normal when following a specific natural treatment protocol under the guidance of a natural endocrine doctor, the truth is that most natural thyroid remedies will be ineffective, even when it comes to just managing the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

The reason for this is because there isn't a single supplement or herbal remedy that when used alone will cure hypothyroidism. Even taking multiple supplements and herbs usually won't help. In order to restore the health of someone who has hypothyroidism, one has to address the following factors:

1) Lifestyle Factors. Certain lifestyle factors are important in order to obtain optimal thyroid health. Most people eat too many refined foods and sugars, drink soda and other soft drinks daily, and this can have a negative impact on thyroid health. Eating refined foods and sugars frequently will affect the blood sugar levels, which over time will weaken the adrenal glands, potentially leading to a hypothyroid condition. So one needs to eat a diet consisting mostly of whole foods, obtain sufficient sleep, exercise regularly, and they need to develop good stress handling skills. Neglecting any of these factors can impact thyroid health.

2) Supplements and herbs. While taking nutritional supplements and herbs alone won't be enough to restore one's health back to normal, taking certain supplements and herbs is important in the recovery process. Certain supplements are needed to address any nutritional deficiencies the person may have. While eating a healthy diet will supply you with many of the vitamins and minerals you need, it usually won't be enough to address an existing nutritional deficiency. As for taking herbs, there are specific herbs such as Bladderwrack and Ashwaganda which can help people with hypothyroid conditions. Other herbs such as Eleuthero can help with the stress response, which can in turn will help the adrenal glands.

3) Environmental toxins. We're being bombarded by environmental toxins, as thousands of new chemicals are manufactured each year. And because they're new, we are unaware of the long-term health issues they can potentially cause. Of course there are many other chemicals that we know for certain can cause health issues. And many of these chemicals are in the foods and household products we purchase. Some examples include the herbicides and pesticides commonly sprayed on fruits and vegetables, xenohormones included in many of the meats we eat, and numerous chemicals included in household cosmetics and cleaners. These toxins can not only affect thyroid health, but books such as the Autoimmune Epidemic show that they can contribute to autoimmune conditions, such as Graves' Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

4) Genetics. Even though genetics is definitely a factor, it usually isn't the primary factor in the development of a thyroid condition. In other words, someone who has a genetic marker for a thyroid disorder can usually prevent such a condition from developing by addressing the factors I listed above. And many people who already have a thyroid condition can restore their health back to normal naturally, even if they have a genetic marker. So while genetics definitely play a role, it's not as big of a factor as many people think.

So for anyone looking to cure their hypothyroid condition through natural remedies, just keep in mind that numerous factors are involved in restoring one's health back to normal. Taking natural remedies such as thyroid boosters and thyroid support formulas won't be enough to cure hypothyroidism. This is why I always recommend for people interested in restoring their thyroid health back to normal to consult with a natural doctor who has a great deal of experience dealing with thyroid conditions. Self-treating your condition might help to temporarily manage the symptoms, but for optimal results you really should speak with an expert.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.