Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Stopping Your Weight Loss.
You may have a messed up thyroid and not even know about it. Women are in the majority when it comes to having a sluggish thyroid gland. Many have Hashimoto disease and have never even heard to this condition, let alone know they have it. Take one look at Oprah Winfrey and her weight struggles over the years. Her recent diagnosis of having Hashimoto's is really not a surprise if you know that a messed up thyroid can frustrate your best weight loss efforts. Even if you just have a slow and sluggish thyroid, you will have trouble losing weight.
Hypothyroidism is a condition where the sufferer has low levels of active thyroid hormone levels in their blood supply. People can get a messed up thyroid by experiencing:
* chronic and ongoing stress
* lack of sleep
* poor nutrition
* other health related issues
Your thyroid condition can manifests itself by a depressed metabolism, dry skin/dry feet problems, depression, constipation, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Individuals need Iodine in their diet because it is a major necessity for production of thyroid hormone. Fish is high in Iodine and will help your thyroid gland. Coconut oil is good for your thyroid gland also. It is a good fat and adding 4 tablespoons a day to your diet will help you to lose weight. In fact, coconut oil is being advertised as a weight loss product.
You can take steps to balance out your messed up thyroid gland by going to your doctor for testing. There are medications that can help your thyroid hormone levels. Learn about techniques that are good for your thyroid gland, like getting enough sleep and lowering your stress levels. All of these factors working together can help you over come your weight loss challenge. Straighten out your thyroid gland and burn off excess fat. This weight loss combination is for hypothyroidism sufferers.
hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.