Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yeast Infection Cure - Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Yeast Infection Cure - Hypothyroidism.

A yeast infection cure can be linked to what it takes to rid yourself of a potential hypothyroidism.

An undiagnosed low thyroid condition (subclinical hypothyroidism) can make it difficult to eradicate a fungal infection. Standard blood tests for thyroid disease will tell a doctor if the thyroid gland is diseased, but not whether thyroid hormones are functioning at optimal levels. According to alternative healthcare doctors, regular underarm temperatures of 97.6°F or below (or average oral temperatures below 98.6°F), combined with symptoms of low metabolism are likely due to a hidden hypothyroid (low thyroid) condition.

Classically, low-functioning thyroid symptoms include depression Fatigue, cold extremities, fluid retention, trouble losing weight, higher-than average body fat composition, "hypoglycemia," gastrointestinal symptom such as multiple food sensitivities or allergies, and poor response to exercise (for example, getting weaker after months of aerobic exercising).

Checking your temperature for low thyroid is best done using an old-fashioned shake-down thermometer. Take daily readings for a few weeks; this will show an accurate trend. Not all cases of low temperatures are caused by a functionally low thyroid. Aspects of low thyroid are clearly explained in Broda Barnes's book Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness.

Hair loss may be a symptom of hypothyroidism or other hormonal imbalances (such as adrenal, gonadal, or others). Nutritional factors for hypothyroidism and a yeast infection cure include deficiencies in protein, zinc, selenium, silicon, iodine (sea kelp), vitamin A, B-complex vitamins (particularly biotin and inositol), essential fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Low temperatures may reflect suboptimal nutrient levels in the body.

Routine blood tests (T3, T4, T7, TSH) for thyroid may show normal results in unsuspected ("subclinical") hypothyroidism. Or you may find higher-than-normal cholesterol, low vitamin A, and a high carotene level. Active thyroid hormone is required to convert carotene from the diet into vitamin A (retinol), and to help keep cholesterol blood levels low.

In most hypothyroidism, especially in vegetarians, vitamin A will be low and carotene will be high on the blood tests. Evidence is a carrot-orange color on the palms and soles. Many people who have normal thyroid function tests with multiple hypothyroid symptoms will occasionally show high levels of antithyroid antibodies and antimicrosomal antibodies (Hashimoto's thyroidi-tis). The B vitamin PABA, high doses of primrose oil or other essential fatty acids, and vitamin E in high doses may help reverse the condition. If not, low doses of prescribed thyroid hormone (such as desiccated thyroid), slow-release liothyronine (T3), glandular thyroid extract, or homeopathic thyroid drops may relieve symptoms.

In some cases there may be a goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) in the neck. A goiter is a definite indication of weak thyroid function. Supplements with thyroid extract and/or iodine eliminate the signs and symptoms within six weeks. Suddenly, a depression of many years, unresponsive to antidepressant drugs, disappears. Food sensitivities, inability to lose weight on very low-calorie diets, lack of positive results from exercise, and general malaise improve dramatically.

These are things you need to pay attention to when dealing with a yeast infection cure.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.