Monday, May 14, 2012

Your Thyroids Role in Weight Control

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Your Thyroids Role in Weight Control.

The thyroid is an amazing little gland that plays a significant role in your overall health and well being by regulating your metabolism. If it becomes under active then the correct amount of thyroid hormone essential to your body's needs will be under produced.

The condition is known as hypothyroidism and the most common form is as an autoimmune disorder known as Hashimoto's Disease named after the Japanese doctor who discovered it in 1912. Hypothyroidism causes a general slowing down of the metabolism. There are many symptoms that are associated with this condition and weight gain, or difficulty in losing weight, are just two of them.

For example, let's say that you want to lose weight at a rate of 2 pounds per week. This would mean that you would have to ingest and/or burn off 7000 calories per week less than you are doing now (3500 calories is equal to 1 pound of body fat). Let's also say that you stick to this for several weeks but you aren't losing the weight that you should be. Even worse you might find that you have lost no weight at all or perhaps even gained a little. There are two possible explanations for this...

1 - You may have seriously misjudged your calorie intake.

2 - You may be suffering from some degree of hypothyroidism.

To compound this, an under active thyroid can also makes you feel tired, lethargic, weak and just generally weary. If you are feeling like this then you're not going to be in any mood to exercise. If you are having trouble losing weight or experiencing weight gain without a change in your diet and/or lifestyle it may be time to consult your doctor.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Your Life Style - Is It Causing Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Your Life Style - Is It Causing Hypothyroidism.

Hashimoto's Disease is the most common condition that leads to hypothyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease where your body own antibodies fight the cells of the thyroid gland. Failure of the Pituitary Gland resulting in reduction or loss of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone secretion can also cause an under-active thyroid. These factors are disease specific and in some cases have a genetic component. But other causes such as stress, inactivity, and poor diet are life style choices, which also lead to hypothyroid symptoms.

In today's society, there are so many stress factors in life such as the balance between work and home, your children's activities and your own, cooking and cleaning. No wonder we stressed to the max! When I was having problems with an under-active thyroid, I basically knew my problem was related to life style choices. Of course, I had all the testing done to make sure I did not have an underlining disease or gland disorder but I really had to take a look at my life style. My day started at 5:30am and ended at 11:30pm to midnight everyday. I like what I do as a health care professional and I try to get a lot accomplished in one day but I had to start making myself go to bed at 9:30pm and this made a big difference on how I felt on a daily basis.

Inactivity is another one of those life style choices that cause hypothyroidism. We all know the benefits of exercise. So I am not going to go into it here. But 30 minutes of exercises can make a world of difference on how you feel physically. There are many different exercises such as yoga that not only help reduce stress but also can help you to lose weight.

A poor diet can also cause major problems with our body's immune response to diseases. As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. To keep your thyroid performing at an optimal level, you need to eat foods rich in iodine, zinc, selenium, and cooper. Also the amino acid tyrosine is often deficient in hypothyroidism. Incorporate foods in your diet such as beans, nuts, pumpkin seeds, soy products, and fish to get plenty of these nutrients.

As you can see the causes of hypothyroidism can be two-fold one relating to life style choices and the other being a true disorder of the thyroid itself. Do an assessment of yourself and talk with your doctor to see if you fall in one of these categories or both. We all have control over our life style so this is something you can change immediately to help you reverse hypothyroid symptoms.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yeast Infection Cure - Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Yeast Infection Cure - Hypothyroidism.

A yeast infection cure can be linked to what it takes to rid yourself of a potential hypothyroidism.

An undiagnosed low thyroid condition (subclinical hypothyroidism) can make it difficult to eradicate a fungal infection. Standard blood tests for thyroid disease will tell a doctor if the thyroid gland is diseased, but not whether thyroid hormones are functioning at optimal levels. According to alternative healthcare doctors, regular underarm temperatures of 97.6°F or below (or average oral temperatures below 98.6°F), combined with symptoms of low metabolism are likely due to a hidden hypothyroid (low thyroid) condition.

Classically, low-functioning thyroid symptoms include depression Fatigue, cold extremities, fluid retention, trouble losing weight, higher-than average body fat composition, "hypoglycemia," gastrointestinal symptom such as multiple food sensitivities or allergies, and poor response to exercise (for example, getting weaker after months of aerobic exercising).

Checking your temperature for low thyroid is best done using an old-fashioned shake-down thermometer. Take daily readings for a few weeks; this will show an accurate trend. Not all cases of low temperatures are caused by a functionally low thyroid. Aspects of low thyroid are clearly explained in Broda Barnes's book Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness.

Hair loss may be a symptom of hypothyroidism or other hormonal imbalances (such as adrenal, gonadal, or others). Nutritional factors for hypothyroidism and a yeast infection cure include deficiencies in protein, zinc, selenium, silicon, iodine (sea kelp), vitamin A, B-complex vitamins (particularly biotin and inositol), essential fatty acids, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Low temperatures may reflect suboptimal nutrient levels in the body.

Routine blood tests (T3, T4, T7, TSH) for thyroid may show normal results in unsuspected ("subclinical") hypothyroidism. Or you may find higher-than-normal cholesterol, low vitamin A, and a high carotene level. Active thyroid hormone is required to convert carotene from the diet into vitamin A (retinol), and to help keep cholesterol blood levels low.

In most hypothyroidism, especially in vegetarians, vitamin A will be low and carotene will be high on the blood tests. Evidence is a carrot-orange color on the palms and soles. Many people who have normal thyroid function tests with multiple hypothyroid symptoms will occasionally show high levels of antithyroid antibodies and antimicrosomal antibodies (Hashimoto's thyroidi-tis). The B vitamin PABA, high doses of primrose oil or other essential fatty acids, and vitamin E in high doses may help reverse the condition. If not, low doses of prescribed thyroid hormone (such as desiccated thyroid), slow-release liothyronine (T3), glandular thyroid extract, or homeopathic thyroid drops may relieve symptoms.

In some cases there may be a goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) in the neck. A goiter is a definite indication of weak thyroid function. Supplements with thyroid extract and/or iodine eliminate the signs and symptoms within six weeks. Suddenly, a depression of many years, unresponsive to antidepressant drugs, disappears. Food sensitivities, inability to lose weight on very low-calorie diets, lack of positive results from exercise, and general malaise improve dramatically.

These are things you need to pay attention to when dealing with a yeast infection cure.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Why You Cannot Trust TSH 3 and 4 Test Results for Thyroid Health and Wellness

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Why You Cannot Trust TSH 3 and 4 Test Results for Thyroid Health and Wellness.

I advise all of my clients to specify a full thyroid panel of tests when they get a checkup. Those of us with autoimmune diseases and those with degenerative diseases such as cancer, obesity and other potentially serious diseases often have undetected thyroid issues. In addition to those with health issues, men and women who are 40 and older, whether they have diseases or not, should request full thyroid panel testing when getting a physical.

I have vitiligo -- an autoimmune disease that is often seen as a symptom of a malfunctioning thyroid. Medical doctors were slow to recognize the correlation between thyroid health and vitiligo. I was one advocate in the 1990s who encouraged fellow vitiligo sufferers to take my research to their doctors and demand, if they had to, thyroid testing. Back then, most medical doctors thought of vitiligo as only a "cosmetic" disease. Unfortunately, many still do.

What I've found over the years is, many people like myself, have thyroid problems that go undetected when our doctors test for TSH 3 & 4, without more thorough testing. I've has symptoms of hypo-thyroidism most of my life, but not once has it ever shown up in TSH 3 & TSH4 tests. Ever.

I had a physical 2 weeks ago. I requested the full panel of thyroid tests. The doctor questioned why I wanted it, asking if I had problems in the past. Though my thyroid always tested within "normal" range, I have known I was hypo-thyroid pretty much all of my life based on my lifelong vitiligo and other symptoms such as low body temperature. So, I had to persuade this doctor to do what she should do for every patient -- fully check my thyroid for dysfunction.

When my test results came in the mail this past Monday, my TSH 3 and TSH 4 showed a perfectly normal thyroid range; however, the tests that I had to persuade the doctor to do showed a different story. It showed that I was bordering hypothyroid/Hashimoto's disease. These results are very typical of those of us with vitiligo and/or other autoimmune diseases. It is also typical of many sufferers of other diseases, and for many whose thyroid tests in normal range in the standard TSH 3 & TSH 4 tests.

Undetected thyroid problems are epidemic in the USA, and a large undetected part of the problems of obesity, diabetes and cancers, as many natural health professionals such as myself believe. In the USA, the average person gets little to no iodine in their diet, which is necessary to nourish the thyroid. Bread eaters are blocking absorption of the iodine that may occasionally get in their iodine-poor standard American diets. Supplementing iodine is mandatory for health, thanks to removal of iodine from, and the addition of bromine to bread products.

Since my 20's when I uncovered my own hypo-thyroidism/Hashimoto's tendency via symptoms and by performing the Basal Temperature Test, I've supplemented to improve and nourish my thyroid. My current regimen includes Iodoral iodine, plus raw thyroid glandular supplements to nourish my thyroid to function properly. My body usually signals me when my regimen needs tweaking. I encourage my clients to find a qualified endocrinologist in addition to learning how to monitor their own thyroids via the Basal Temperature test. Once clients learn the symptoms of thyroid problems and learn to listen to their bodies, they often can tell when something is off.

Since many doctors do not go beyond the TSH 3 & 4 thyroid tests, I encourage you to take a proactive role in your health care. Insist on full panel thyroid tests. If I had not insisted on the Thyroid Antibodies test, my bloodwork would've missed a very important fact -- I have a thyroid problem! Since the thyroid controls every metabolic process in my body, my entire state of health -- both physical and mental -- were at stake.

As stated earlier, I've regulated my thyroid since my early 20s and I can sense when my thyroid is off. I knew I had to up my supplements based on how I felt and how my body was holding onto weight. I listen to my body and I know when I either need to lower or raise my supplements, which changes with age, stress levels, lifestyle changes, etc.

A simple basal temperature thermometer is helpful to gauge your own thyroid health, with the Basal Temperature Test. Shake the thermometer down at night, and check your armpit temperature as soon as you awaken, without stirring much, for 5 consecutive days. If your temperature is consistently low, consider further testing, because it signals thyroid issues, despite TSH 3 and 4 results. Find a qualified endocrinologist who is open to your concerns and proactive stance regarding your health when asking for full panel thyroid testing. It could save your health, and ultimately, your life.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Why Most Natural Thyroid Remedies Dont Work For Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Why Most Natural Thyroid Remedies Dont Work For Hypothyroidism.

Millions of people have hypothyroidism. And while many of these people are satisfied with taking synthetic or natural thyroid hormone to manage their symptoms, some people look into natural thyroid remedies to help cure their hypothyroid condition. While some people with hypothyroidism can have their health restored back to normal when following a specific natural treatment protocol under the guidance of a natural endocrine doctor, the truth is that most natural thyroid remedies will be ineffective, even when it comes to just managing the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

The reason for this is because there isn't a single supplement or herbal remedy that when used alone will cure hypothyroidism. Even taking multiple supplements and herbs usually won't help. In order to restore the health of someone who has hypothyroidism, one has to address the following factors:

1) Lifestyle Factors. Certain lifestyle factors are important in order to obtain optimal thyroid health. Most people eat too many refined foods and sugars, drink soda and other soft drinks daily, and this can have a negative impact on thyroid health. Eating refined foods and sugars frequently will affect the blood sugar levels, which over time will weaken the adrenal glands, potentially leading to a hypothyroid condition. So one needs to eat a diet consisting mostly of whole foods, obtain sufficient sleep, exercise regularly, and they need to develop good stress handling skills. Neglecting any of these factors can impact thyroid health.

2) Supplements and herbs. While taking nutritional supplements and herbs alone won't be enough to restore one's health back to normal, taking certain supplements and herbs is important in the recovery process. Certain supplements are needed to address any nutritional deficiencies the person may have. While eating a healthy diet will supply you with many of the vitamins and minerals you need, it usually won't be enough to address an existing nutritional deficiency. As for taking herbs, there are specific herbs such as Bladderwrack and Ashwaganda which can help people with hypothyroid conditions. Other herbs such as Eleuthero can help with the stress response, which can in turn will help the adrenal glands.

3) Environmental toxins. We're being bombarded by environmental toxins, as thousands of new chemicals are manufactured each year. And because they're new, we are unaware of the long-term health issues they can potentially cause. Of course there are many other chemicals that we know for certain can cause health issues. And many of these chemicals are in the foods and household products we purchase. Some examples include the herbicides and pesticides commonly sprayed on fruits and vegetables, xenohormones included in many of the meats we eat, and numerous chemicals included in household cosmetics and cleaners. These toxins can not only affect thyroid health, but books such as the Autoimmune Epidemic show that they can contribute to autoimmune conditions, such as Graves' Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

4) Genetics. Even though genetics is definitely a factor, it usually isn't the primary factor in the development of a thyroid condition. In other words, someone who has a genetic marker for a thyroid disorder can usually prevent such a condition from developing by addressing the factors I listed above. And many people who already have a thyroid condition can restore their health back to normal naturally, even if they have a genetic marker. So while genetics definitely play a role, it's not as big of a factor as many people think.

So for anyone looking to cure their hypothyroid condition through natural remedies, just keep in mind that numerous factors are involved in restoring one's health back to normal. Taking natural remedies such as thyroid boosters and thyroid support formulas won't be enough to cure hypothyroidism. This is why I always recommend for people interested in restoring their thyroid health back to normal to consult with a natural doctor who has a great deal of experience dealing with thyroid conditions. Self-treating your condition might help to temporarily manage the symptoms, but for optimal results you really should speak with an expert.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why Isnt My Thyroid Medication Working

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Why Isnt My Thyroid Medication Working.

If you have symptoms of a hypothyroid or a combination of hypo and hyperthyroid symptoms and your lab tests came back normal, or your medication is not working, it may not be your thyroid that's responsible for your problems. Your doctor typically runs only one or two thyroid panels to determine whether or not you have the thyroid problem. And even if they run the whole gamut of thyroid panels it may not give them the true cause of the problem.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • fatigue

  • weight loss even when dieting

  • depression

  • constipation

  • sensitivity to cold

  • poor circulation and numbness in hands and feet

  • muscle cramps

  • catch colds easily

  • have slow wound healing

  • require excess amount of sleep

  • G.I. disturbances

  • dry, itchy skin

  • dry or brittle hair

  • dry skin

  • low body temperature

  • edema, especially in the face

  • loss of cutter most portion of eyebrows

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • heart palpitations

  • inward trembling

  • increased pulse rate, even at rest

  • feelings of nervousness or emotional distress

  • insomnia

  • night sweats

  • difficulty gaining weight

There are many things that can cause the symptoms that you are experiencing, your own immune system could be attacking your thyroid (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) or the enzymes that help process or facilitate the use of thyroid hormones. A poor blood sugar metabolism could also be causing your symptoms as well as gut infections, adrenal problem, and hormonal imbalances can all depress thyroid function. So if you are on Synthroid, Armor, or Levoxyl and your symptoms aren't getting any better it might be time to run more tests.

If you been to an alternative healthcare professional they may have recommended iodine, thyroid glandulars or tyrosine but if your thyroid symptoms aren't being caused by your thyroid this will offer little to no help and can actually make your condition worse.

So what's the answer to your thyroid symptoms if your thyroid isn't actually causing the problem?

The only way to find out is to run tests, otherwise you're just guessing. If you've already been to an endocrinologist or alternative health care professional and they were unable to help you then chances are you have something that may not be caused by primary hypothyroidism. There are many different things that can cause the symptoms that you're experience and you have to rule them all out. You may have more than one underlying cause. Even if you find a positive test which indicates one of the possible causes, and you stop testing, you may have missed something.

There 12 cups on the table turned upside down, you can't see what's underneath the cup. The rules of the game are this...there is at least one ball under the cups, there may be more than one ball under the cups. To win the game you must find all of the balls. If you find one ball but there are more balls and you didn't find them, you lose. How many cups would you like to look under? The obvious answer is you would like to look under all 12 because you want to win.

The best way is to look everywhere the problem or problems may be.

The 4 Deal Breakers

The 4 deal breakers in every difficult chronic health condition are anemia, blood sugar metabolism, gut issues and liver and gallbladder issues. If you have a problem with any of these you have to handle them first, otherwise you're just spinning your wheels.

After you have dealt with the 4 deal breakers above, you can proceed on to the other possible causes.

A Good Word Picture

Patients typically don't understand exactly how they can have thyroid symptoms and it not be a thyroid problem. So instead of going into all the physiological processes and using medical terminology that you may not understand, We can simplify the explanation by comparing the inter-workings of the thyroid to ordering something online.

Most of us have at one time or another ordered something online. You go online, find something that you want, and place your order. If you haven't received your item within a reasonable amount of time you contact the person you placed your order with. The person that you're talking to verifies on their computer that you have indeed placed an order. This is much like running a TSH panel because a TSH panel is simply verifying that your thyroid gland received an order to ship out thyroid hormone to your body.

If that is the only test that is checked, to see if our order was received, it doesn't solve your problem because your real problem is that you haven't received your item. But there are many other places where the problem may have occurred.

The second most obvious place is the thyroid gland itself. It's like the warehouse where the item that you ordered is being stored. If the warehouse is damaged you may not get your package at all. This is a good case for using thyroid hormones.

If the worker who actually places your item into the package and hands it off to delivery person, doesn't show up for work or is unable to work it will affect you getting your package. If, when the delivery person arrives to picks up the package, there are more boxes than he can fit in his truck, that will delay you from receiving a package. If, when the delivery person takes your package to their central hub or warehouse for rerouting to its final destination, that warehouse is backed up that can delay your package. Once your package is handed off to the delivery person who is responsible for delivering it to your home, if you're not there to receive it, you don't get your package.

Now that's a very simplified explanation to the process but I think it helps to see that there are many places where things can go wrong that have nothing to do with the thyroid itself.

Taking the above example you represent the brain, you send an order via your computer (hypothalamus), the message is forwarded to the operator (pituitary), who then relays the message to the warehouse (thyroid) where a worker (TPO enzyme) puts your item in a box and hands the box over to a delivery person (TBG, a protein that transports thyroid hormones in your body) who delivers the package to the central hub or warehouse (liver, which can be sluggish, delaying your package). The next delivery person (TBG, again) delivers your package to it's final destination (gut, reversed T-3 and the peripheral tissue).

If you don't have normal gut flora 20% of the thyroid hormone can't be utilized, it's like not being home when the delivery person attempts to deliver your package.

There are several other places where things can go wrong that were not mentioned in the story above. For example, you can have too many TBG proteins. It may not seem like a problem to have too many transport vehicles but when there is not enough of the thyroid hormone these proteins will not release their package. You may have a case where you have too much of one thyroid hormone (T3, T4) and not enough of the other( over conversion or under conversion). You also have a situation where the thyroid hormone is delivered to the cell but the cell cannot accept it because of damage to the cell wall caused by inflammation or infections.

Another problem can occur when your body's 5'deiodinase, an enzyme responsible for converting T4 to T3 in the heart, muscle and nerve cells, isn't working properly. This can happen for a variety of reasons, you can have a deficiency of cofactors, you can have gut dysbiosis, elevated cytokines, elevated cortisol, deficiencies of serotonin, deficiencies of dopamine or elevated testosterone (even in women).

As you can see there are many places where things can go wrong that have nothing to do with the thyroid itself. So if you're still suffering from thyroid symptoms in your medication continually needs to be adjusted or isn't working at all you may need to have further testing to find the underlying cause of your problem.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

What Kind of Autoimmune Disorders Can Cause Hair Loss, Shedding, Or Thinning Ill Tell You

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet What Kind of Autoimmune Disorders Can Cause Hair Loss, Shedding, Or Thinning Ill Tell You.

I sometimes get emails from folks who have had a positive ANA (antinuclear antibody test) from blood work or suspect that they have an autoimmune disorder which has contributed to changes in their hair including loss, shedding, thinning, and changes in color and texture. In the following article, I'll go over some well know and not so well known autoimmune conditions that commonly contribute to hair changes or loss and tell you how they often affect the hair and scalp.

Alopecia Areata (AA): When most people think of autoimmune hair loss, AA is typically the first thing that comes to their mind. This condition is known as the reason that Princess Caroline of Monaco temporarily lost her hair. The condition most often presents itself in hair loss that is defined by bald spots that are round and patchy. Often, the hair around the patches is totally normal, but the round patchy areas are smooth and sometimes completely bald.

Another condition that goes hand in hand with AA is alopecia areata universalis. In this case, you will often have hair loss over the entire body including the whole head (often total baldness) as well as other areas like eye lashes, eyebrows, pubic hair, the beard area, the under arms, etc. Sometimes when this process is ongoing, you'll see "exclamation point hairs." These are hairs that are broken off and are tapered so that they are much narrower the closer you get the scalp. They flare out on the broken ends.

There is a lot of controversy over what actually causes AA. Most agree that it is autoimmune in nature, but some believe that it is aggravated by stress, allergies, or viruses. Treatment is often oral steroids, corticosteroid injections, or experimental stimulation of the scalp with herbs like rosemary and lavender.

Lupus And Hair Loss: Probably the second most common autoimmune disorder known to cause hair issues is lupus or systemic lupus erythematosus. Often folks with this condition are affected with a malar rash that can affect the scalp, and cause scarring which can lead to temporary or permanent hair loss. You can see exclamation point hairs with lupus as well.

Thyroid Issues: Graves Disease And Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Many people who think of thyroid issues and hair loss are aware of hypothyroidism, but many are not aware of the autoimmune thyroid issues. The first of these is graves disease where you will generally see the hair become much more fine and you'll see more pronounced loss. The texture just becomes a lot more limp and unable to hold a style. The stands can become lighter in color also. The opposite is true with Hashimoto's. In this instance, the hair becomes very coarse and dry, but hair loss is accelerated none the less.

Less Well Known Autoimmune Disorders That May Affect The Hair: In truth, almost any disorder that has an autoimmune component can affect the hair or cause thinning, shedding, or loss. This includes things like rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal cystitis and fibromyalgia, (although not every one agrees that these two fall into this category), celiac disease, and guillain-barre syndrome, to name only a few.

Inflammation Lessening Drugs And Hair Loss: Many of the drugs that are given for these disorders are given to reduce the inflammatory process and this actually seems to fit quite nicely with hair loss treatment, as there is almost always an inflammation component to it. However, many of the steroids often used have the unfortunate side effect of more shedding or loss, so often the patient is left wondering if it's the disorder that is affecting their hair or the medication that is being used to treat it. It's often prudent to focus on a healthy diet and healthy, natural ways to support a healthy scalp and reduce inflammation while stimulating healthy regrowth.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

What is Hypothyroidism Disease and What Can Be Done About It

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet What is Hypothyroidism Disease and What Can Be Done About It.

Hypothyroidism is a disease that affects the thyroid gland. It occurs when the thyroid gland, located at the base of the neck, produces too little thyroid hormone. It may even produce no thyroid hormone at all. Why does this happen?

This can happen for any number of reasons. Some people produce low levels of thyroid hormones, or their thyroid gland may be damaged from a surgery or accident. Other individuals may have an illness that causes their thyroid gland to become underactive. Still others may take medications that cause their thyroid gland to produce too little thyroid hormones.

In some cases, people have an autoimmune condition where the body's own immune system attacks the thyroid gland causing hypothyroidism. This often results in a condition known as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.

What Are The Thyroid Hormones?

What is thyroid hormone and why should you worry about it? Thyroid hormones are a group of hormones that regulate certain body processes including fat metabolism, breathing, heart rate, body temperature regulation, and may other processes including things related to our nervous system and mood.

If our thyroid hormones are not functioning properly we may gain weight and have trouble losing it. Thyroid hormones including thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), T3, T4, reverse T3 and thyroid antibodies. If any of these is underactive or overactive, you are not likely to feel your best.

What Are Symptoms Of Hypothyroid Disease?

There are many symptoms of hypothyroid disease. The disease often mimics common feelings of general malaise, so doctors often miss diagnosing the condition. This is dangerous, because if hypothyroidism is left untreated for too long a patient can risk serious, life threatening issues including coma and death.

Some common signs and symptoms of thyroid disease include:

- Fatigue

- Mental fog

- Feeling too cold or intolerance to cold

- Mood changes

- Depression

- Brittle hair and nails

- Weight gain or inability to lose weight

- Constipation

- Heart rate changes

- Difficulty concentrating

Of course there are many other symptoms. Anyone can become affected by hypothyroidism, although it affects women more often than men. Even some children can develop or be born with hypothyroidism.

Diagnosis And Treatment For Hypothyroidism

Diagnosis and treatment for the disease is straightforward for most patients, although this is not always the case. Many healthcare providers do not think to test for thyroid disease when a patient complains of fatigue or weight gain, because these symptoms are so common today and so many people have these complaints. Unfortunately untreated hypothyroidism is very dangerous. Testing for thyroid disease should become a more standard practice, because so many lives could be changed by treatment.

Diagnosis is simple. All a health provider needs to do is take a simple blood test which measures levels of thyroid hormones. Sometimes a patient may have borderline thyroid disease meaning their lab values are almost normal or just at the lowest level of the normal ranges for the disease.

When this happens, a health provider must decide whether or not to monitor or treat a patient. If a patient has all of the symptoms or complains of many symptoms of hypothyroidism a health provider may choose to treat the patient rather than elect a wait and see approach, because some sub clinical patients benefit from treatment in these instances.

Treatment often involves supplementation with synthetic or natural thyroid hormone. A health provider will determine how much thyroid hormone and what types of thyroid hormone a patient requires to achieve optimal health.

Some patients may require supplementation with other vitamins and minerals to achieve ideal health. There are trace minerals that can benefit patients with thyroid disease. Some patients are deficient in certain trace minerals that can result in thyroid symptoms.

Other patients may require supplementation with iodine. All patients require proper diet and exercise to maintain ideal health. Your health provider will make the recommendations necessary to ensure ideal health and wellness. It is good to know that if you do discover that you have hypothyroidism, there are options for treatment. If you do not want to take synthetic hormones there are a wide variety of herbal and nutritional supplements available that can help to permanently balance your thyroid hormones and heal your thyroid.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Friday, May 11, 2012

What is Hypothyroidism and What Are The Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet What is Hypothyroidism and What Are The Symptoms of Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a nasty condition that is becoming more and more common as time goes on. So, what is hypothyroidism and what are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is simply when the thyroid is producing an abnormally low amount of thyroid hormone, which can cause a multitude of complications and symptoms.

The reason this is bad news for someone's health is because this hormone helps regulate the metabolism in the body, as well as help in the digestive process. It makes perfect sense then, that one of the most obvious symptoms that is associated with hypothyroidism is a slower than normal metabolism.

It is thought that somewhere around five million or so Americans have hypothyroidism, but the numbers world-wide are unknown. The condition hits women more than men, and it is thought that as much as ten percent of women may suffer with the condition, even if it is only in a mild form, however the exact numbers are unknown.

There are a number of potential causes of hypothyroidism, which include iodine deficiency and where the problem is caused by autoimmune abnormalities.

It is unusual for hypothyroidism to be caused if the diet has sufficient iodine, and many people in industrialized nations will gain iodine from salt (it is added when salt is manufactured) and vegetables. So the majority of cases are likely to come from "autoimmune hypothyroidism".

Autoimmune hypothyroidism is when the bodies own defences attack and destroy thyroid gland cells, which stops the thyroid producing the normal amount of thyroid hormone.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a condition that is associated with autoimmune hypothyroidism and one of the symptoms is a goitre, which is a swelling of the thyroid gland, which can eventually be seen as a lump on the neck.

Another common cause of hypothyroidism is the removal of the entire thyroid gland during surgery. If you were having other problems with your thyroid gland, you might need to have it removed, or partially removed, and although that may cure other medical conditions.

The thyroid is a common spot for cancer to grow therefore forced hypothyroidism can be a better option than dealing with a malignant cancerous growth.

Sometimes, the doctor will only need to remove part of the thyroid if he suspects cancer, and the part of the thyroid that's left will be able to make enough hormones to stave off the onset of hypothyroidism, but not always.

Another way for a doctor to help treat and kill suspected cancer in the thyroid is with what is called radioactive iodine therapy. The doctor will inject the thyroid with iodine to kill part of the thyroid that's thought to be cancerous, but sometimes it will kill too much of the thyroid and hypothyroidism can occur.

A final cause of hypothyroidism that is less well known is when the thyroid gland is perfectly healthy but the pituitary gland isn't making enough hormone to instruct the thyroid to make more thyroid hormones. This can also result in hypothyroidism in some patients.

This article has answered the questions, what is Hypothyroidism?

Further information about the symptoms of Hypothyroidism can be learned by signing up for our free newsletter below.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

What is Homocysteine

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet What is Homocysteine.

Here's the science bit in a nutshell. Homocysteine is made from the amino acid motioning, which you find in dietary protein. HMST in itself is not a problem, as the body converts it into one of two substances, which are both beneficial to the body. These two substances are called glutathione and SAMe (s-adenosyl methionine).


Glutathione is a tripeptide amino acid derivative that protects red blood cells from oxidative damage and, in the from of the enzyme glutathione peroxide, plays an important role in detoxifying hydrogen peroxide and organ peroxides produced in the body. A deficiency of glutathione speeds up ageing and onset of Alzheimer's and damages the liver. Glutathione is the bodies most potent anti ageing antioxidant and detoxifier.


SAMe is a natural anti depressant, anti arthritic, liver protecting agent in your body

Cholesterol, blood pressure: these are just some of the things that we are always being told are the important conditions we need to keep tabs on.

But in all honesty the level of these things are not as important as you may have been led to believe, your HMST level however is a very different story. This is the thing that you need to keep an eye on, because it is the main indicator of if you are going to live a long healthy life or if you are going to die at a young age.

Your homocysteine level is 40% more accurate at predicting heart attacks than your cholesterol levels. There have been people who have had heart attacks and had low cholesterol, but the ones that have been tested have all had high HMST levels. It is also the main indicator for up to 100 different diseases and conditions, including the big 5 killers (heart attacks, strokes, cancers, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

One in two people have high levels, and it makes no difference if you are fat, thin, big, small, male or female, although the over weight have a higher chance, you may think you are super fit and can easily run a marathon, but trust me it makes no difference, you could have just as much chance of high levels as someone who is obese!.

I am not trying to scare people, but you must realise how important this is.

The good news however is, although having high levels almost guarantees to knock years off of your life expectancy, it can be reduced to safe healthy levels within a matter of months by following a homocysteine lowering and supplement diet.

There are over 100 diseases and conditions related to high homocysteine, here are just some of them:


accelerated aging

alzheimers disease


angina pectoris

ankylosing spondylitis (inflammation of the synovial joint)

apoptosis of brain cells (cell death due to a lack of dna repair)




atrial fibrillation (chaotic electrical activity in the heart chamber)

atrophic gastritis (atrophy of the stomach lining)

auto immune diseases (spondylitis, hypothyroidism/hashimoto's thyroiditis)

behcet's disease (ulcers in the mouth and genitalia)

birth defects

bonemarrow myelody splasia (myelodysplastic syndromes)

brain atrophy

breast cancer


cervical dysplasia

elevated cholesterol


cleft palate

cobalt deficiency

coeliac disease

colon cancer

copper deficiency

coronary artery atherosclerosis

coronary vasospasm

crohn's disease

deep vein thrombosis


depression (especially women)


down's syndrome (high homocysteine levels are found in mothers of down's syndrome children, although down's children themselves have low levels)



folate deficiency (which can lead to spina bifida and other pregnancy problems, anaemia, cervical dysplasia and poor memory)

glutathione deficiency (in the liver and brain, speeds up ageing and the onset of alzheimers and damages the liver onlong with many other problems)

heart abnormalities

heart attacks

hiv/aids (speeds up the rate at which the virus developes)

hypothyroidism (especially hashimoto's thyroiditis)


memory decline

mental retardation


oestrogen deficiency and post menopausal symptoms



penile dysfunction

polycystic ovary disease

premature death


pulmonary embolism

rheumatoid arthritis



throid cancer

ulcerative colitis

vasospasm (cerebral arteries, causing strokes, associated with magnesium deficiency)

plus many more

Homocysteine has been studied now for a few years now by a handful of people, but has been widely disregarded by the medical and scientific community. In fact one of the main pioneers in the discovery of this life threatening component in the body was shunned by the scientific community for decades and only recently have they begun to come round and accept his research. It is only a mater of time before this will be regarded as the major factor in health.

Basically how it works is HMST is measured in units and falls into various categories:

Very healthy Below 6 units

Low risk 6 - 9 units

Medium risk 9 - 12 units

High risk 12 - 15 units

Very high risk 15 - 20 units

Dangerously high above 20 units

In simple terms, the higher the score, the higher the risk

Lowering homocysteine levels should become top priority in peoples lives, as once it is significantly lower your chances of living much longer and much healthier are dramatically increased, for example:

Lowering your score sufficiently can:

- half your risk of heart disease.

- a high level increases your risk of strokes by 80%.

- cuts the risk of cancers by a third.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

What is an Underactive Thyroid and How Does it Affect You

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet What is an Underactive Thyroid and How Does it Affect You.

Your doctor has told you that you have an underactive now what? You have hypothyroidism-will you need to take thyroid medication for the rest of your life?

Causes of Underactive Thyroid

The thyroid can become underactive for many reasons. For some, this results from an autoimmune condition, where the body's own immune system attacks the endocrine system and thyroid gland. This means the body interprets the thyroid gland to be foreign to the body and therefore acts to harm it, preventing it from forming the correct amount of thyroid hormones and functioning efficiently.

One common form of hypothyroidism resulting from autoimmune disease is known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This can result in the same symptoms of hypothyroidism and often will cause a lump to form in the neck, which is known as a 'goiter'.

Other causes of underactive thyroid may include congenital causes or birth defect, meaning a person is born without the ability to produce enough thyroid hormones. Most babies are screened at birth for this condition, to check to see if their thyroid gland is functioning efficiently. Parts of the brain also regulate the thyroid gland and thyroid hormones. If thyroid problems are discovered early and therapy is commenced early enough in the disease this can make a big difference in the patient's life, although this is not always the case.

When hypothyroidism occurs as a result of brain dysfunction, typically the part of the brain affected is known as the hypothalamus. This is part of the brain that connects the nervous system to the endocrine system, which includes the thyroid gland. The pituitary gland is also involved in hypothyroidism, so if there are problems with the pituitary gland, underactive thyroid may result. As you can see, there are many different things to consider when someone has a sluggish thyroid.

Some people develop hypothyroidism due to injury or another illness. Some doctors simply can't tell why someone's thyroid gland is not producing enough hormones.

One thing is certain: treatment is almost always necessary to restore good health!

Underactive Thyroid Treatments

The good news is that if you have an underactive thyroid gland, treatment is readily available to help you begin feeling better. There are many different treatments available for patients with a sluggish thyroid gland.

Many traditional medical providers will start you on thyroid supplementation to help your body begin producing more thyroid hormones. This is relatively standard treatment. Traditionally doses of levothyroxine or similar synthetic or natural thyroid hormones are offered patients to help them overcome underactive thyroid and alleviate symptoms.

Other treatments may include supplementation with iodine if the cause of underactive thyroid is an iodine deficiency in the body. Your healthcare practitioner may recommend supplementation with other natural minerals and vitamins if they find you do not have a healthy diet, or that your diet requires modification to restore you to proper health. There are also specific foods that you can incorporate into your diet to improve your thyroid function, and others that you should avoid as they act to slow thyroid function. A qualified naturopath or nutritionist will be able to help guide you in this regard.

Typically a change in diet and exercise can produce wonders for the individual with thyroid disease. Underactive thyroid can cause patients to gain weight or have trouble losing weight. Once treatment begins patients may find losing weight becomes much less difficult, so you can consult with your healthcare provider about a proper weight reduction and exercise program that can help treat fatigue and restore proper weight balance.

Your healthcare provider may also adjust other medications or remove other medications from your diet that may have contributed to your condition, as certain medications can contribute to hypothyroidism. This should only occur under the supervision of a qualified medical health provider however, as some medications may be essential to your health and wellness.

Typically treatment of hypothyroidism is a lifelong process, however you may find with time, the necessity of long-term treatment with thyroid hormones may change based on your body's ability to recompensate based on the healthy changes you make in your diet and lifestyle. Our bodies have the unique ability to regenerate every several years. So keep up the good work and pay attention to the recommendations your healthcare provider makes. Be sure to take good care of yourself, and remain positive! There is hope for a long, healthy life!

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weight Loss and Thyroid Problem - Finding the Solution

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Weight Loss and Thyroid Problem - Finding the Solution.

Are you gaining weight unconsciously or unintentionally? Then you might be having a thyroid problem. According to reports, an estimated 25 million Americans are unconsciously gaining weight because of an undiagnosed or untreated thyroid problem. However, do not fret, weight loss and thyroid problem can now go together. All it takes is a simple diet regime and determination!

Understanding the thyroid gland

Known as the largest gland in the body, the thyroid is found in the neck just below the Adam's apple. The main function of the thyroid is to control the rate of the body's ability to burn energy, make proteins, and its relation to other hormones.

The thyroid secretes the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones help regulate the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. Iodine is an essential component of both T3 and T4.


A malfunctioning thyroid hormone can result in the state known as hypothyroidism. This disease is caused by an insufficient production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. About two percent of adult Americans are stricken with hypothyroidism. About five percent of adults in the United Kingdom have hypothyroidism.


The main cause of hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency. However, the condition is also caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis, or a deficiency of hormones produced from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary glands.

For women, hypothyroidism can also result from postpartum thyroiditis, which affects five percent of women after giving birth.

Hypothyroidism can also result from genetic inheritance. However this case is rare.


The symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

1. Early symptoms

a. Poor muscle tone (muscle hypotonia)

b. Fatigue (physical)

c. Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold

d. Constipation

e. Weight gain

f. Muscle cramps and joint pain

g. Thin, Brittle fingernails

h. Thin, brittle hair

i. Paleness

2. Late symptoms

a. Slowed speech and a hoarse, breaking voice. Deepening of the voice can also be noticed.

b. Dry puffy skin, especially on the face

c. Thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows

d. Abnormal menstrual cycles

e. Low basal body temperature

Two kinds

There are two types of a hypo thyroid: the temporary and chronic. Temporary hypothyroidism can be treated while chronic hypothyroidism requires life-long maintenance on the part of the affected individual.

Most people affected with hypothyroidism usually are stricken first with hyperthyroidism - meaning they lose weight for no apparent reason. After which, the thyroid either returns to normal or develops to hypothyroidism.

Weight loss and thyroid problem

The first step to weight loss and thyroid problem is to get diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Without getting diagnosed, all of your weight loss efforts will be in vain. The longer it takes you to get diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the more weight you may end up gaining.

Exercise more

The eat less; exercise more mantra may work with weight loss and thyroid problem. However, it is important to note that calorie restriction is not enough. Because you tend to gain weight due to slower metabolism, you need to adopt a strict exercise program that helps you lose weight. You need to get moving and be active. This is the best way to curb your uncontrollable weight gain.

The Zone

For weight loss and thyroid problem, some people recommended getting into the Zone. The Zone is strictly targeted for weight loss and thyroid problem. It involves balancing protein/carbo/fat intake and controlling excess intake of simple carbohydrates (like bread, pasta, etc.).

How it works

When you eat a carbohydrate, your pancreas secretes insulin to drive down blood sugar back to a normal level. If you eat too many carbohydrates, your pancreas releases so much insulin that it can drive down blood sugar to a level too low to allow your brain to function effectively. This condition of low blood sugar and high insulin can be considered a step away from diabetes.

For weight loss and thyroid problem, according to the Zone theory, when you're creating this excess insulin, it also prevents your body from using its stored fat for energy. Hence, your insulin response to excess carbos causes you to gain weight, or you cannot lose weight.

Below are some of the "excess carbohydrates":

1. For hypo thyroids, most simple carbohydrates (i.e., bread, pasta) are considered already "too much." Their systems overreact to an amount of carbos that others wouldn't have a problem.

2. Some people simply eat too many carbos. According to Sears, only the minority of the population (25%) can eat carbos freely with no blood sugar highs and lows, or weight problems. They are metabolically fortunate. For the rest of us, we're susceptible to carbos. It's being documented that people are eating less and less fat, but getting fatter. If we go on "low-fat diets" and eat only pasta and bagels and Snackwells and fruits and veggies and such, and stay very low-fat, and even exercise, we don't lose and might even gain more.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Underactive Thyroid Gland and Weight Gain - How to Lose Weight Gained Due to Thyroid Problems

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Underactive Thyroid Gland and Weight Gain - How to Lose Weight Gained Due to Thyroid Problems.

Underactive Thyroid gland is also known as hypothyroidism. Mostly females over 40 suffer from this problem, which can cause obstacles in your weight loss plan. People tend to gain weight with this disorder.

Causes of Hypothyroidism:

* Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: This problem is mainly caused due to ineffective immune system. It is one of the most common forms of Hypothyroidism. The role of immune system is to protect our body from antibodies but in this case our immune cell attacks the healthy cells.

* Subacute Thyroiditis: This problem is mostly caused due to inflammation of thyroid glands. It occurs both in men and women.

* Postpartum Thyroiditis: This disorder mainly occurs in women in the first six months after delivery. It can be easily detected in the time of pregnancy.

Symptoms of Underactive Thyroid Gland

* Constipation

* Weight gain

* Heavy menstrual periods

* Thinning of hair

* Tiredness

There are various ways through which you can prevent this disease. It is always advisable to take natural methods such as healthy nutrition plan, workouts and proper rest. Cardio workouts such as running, swimming, bicycling or walking should be performed daily for boosting metabolism in your body. Mostly Hypothyroidism is caused due to lack of activities in our day-to-day life. It is advisable to eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables for flushing out toxins from your body, which will consequently prevent this disorder. Drinking plenty of water is the key. One should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily.

Lately, Oprah Winfrey also declared that she suffers from under active thyroid conditions, which causes weight gain and fatigue. According to her, acai berry diet plan is the most effective diet plan for discarding this problem. This diet plan boost metabolism in your body naturally and nourishes your immune system, which consequently treats Hypothyroidism. It also acts as appetite suppressant and stimulates weight loss with ease.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Type 2 Diabetes - Could It Be Caused by Autoimmune Attack Current Preferred Testing for the Disease

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Type 2 Diabetes - Could It Be Caused by Autoimmune Attack Current Preferred Testing for the Disease.

Most people think of Type 2 diabetes (a chronic condition) as some sort of a "poor lifestyle" disease. They say "oh Dr. Beckingham they just ate bad food, are overweight, didn't exercise and now look at what happened to them, They have Type 2 Diabetes". For some people this is the case. Diet, lifestyle choices, and exercise are major factors in developing Type 2 Diabetes. But for a large portion of Type 2 diabetes sufferers they exercise regularly, have a medium body size, and eat fairly well. So how did they get the "poor habit disease"?

First off the underlying cause of most chronic conditions is autoimmunity. Autoimmune disease is where your immune system mistakenly attacks a particular area or system of the body, in this case your pancreas. If you do not address why the body has turned against itself you will continue to have worsening symptoms that result in permanent damage. The auto immunity does not stop or sleep and searches for new tissue to kill. Scientific studies show that around 25 percent of people that are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes actually have an autoimmune disease; this translates to millions of people. In the functional medicine circles this is known as LADA, latent autoimmune diabetes mellitus of adults.LADA is basically when your immune system mistakenly attacks your pancreas, or some other critical blood sugar regulatory system and this causes the condition. This is usually how a healthy looking person develops Type 2 diabetes, an ever increasing autoimmune disease.

To find out if you have an autoimmune disease I insist on antibody testing on all my chronic condition patients. An antibody is a protein marker. The body's immune system produces antibodies in response to unwanted material like molds, virus, bacteria, and parasites. These substances are labeled antigens. Antibodies can be produced when the body has a reaction to a food it is sensitive to or comes in contact with a harmful chemical. Antibodies can mistakenly be produced against a bodies own healthy tissue when the immune system becomes confused. The antibody marks the tissue for removal and signals the immune response. This is the cause of autoimmune reactions. I like to check for gluten antibodies, myelin (fatty sheath around the nerves) antibodies, cerebellar (back part of the brain controlling balance, coordinated movement, and spinal muscles) antibodies. More examples are antibodies to skin tissue often called psoriasis, antibodies to the thyroid tissue called Hashimoto's disease, or antibodies to nerve cells conductive coating known as multiple sclerosis.

Common treatment protocol for Type 2 Diabetes is insulin or Metformin, this is commonly a huge disservice to patients because it is missing the big smoking gun of autoimmune disease. These medications will do nothing to help the fact that your body has turned on itself and is destroying its own tissues. It is extremely important to rule out autoimmune disease with diabetes patients because you can stop further systemic damage that could be life altering. To rule this out you have to do the proper testing and look for the antibodies.

Autoimmune Type 2 Diabetes can attack almost anybody no matter what the sex, age, or body type. The disease will show clinically just like run of the mill Type 2 Diabetes. The only difference is in the diagnosis and lab testing stage. Proper testing for antibodies and other autoimmune markers is crucial. It is as simple as testing for the antibodies and if they show up it is autoimmune clear as day, and that is what should drive the treatment protocol for the patient.

As I meet with patients it never ceases to amaze me that they are on all kinds of treatments without an accurate diagnosis. I can count on my one hand the amount of times I have come across a Type 2 Diabetic who has had all the proper testing. I go over the patient's history and they tell me about having Psoriasis, Vertigo, Hashimoto's, and Lupus. I next ask about the Diabetes diagnosis and it shocks them to hear about the huge possibility they have autoimmune diabetes. If they tell me they have symptoms that continue to get worse no matter what medication they are on a giant buzzer goes off in my head, autoimmune! I next have to tell them about the facts of autoimmune and how more and more damage will be done to random systems of the body unless they modulate the autoimmune response.

What to do now? Healthcare practitioners and patients alike have to get educated about autoimmune disease, proper testing methods, and valid treatment options. Most beneficial to a Type 2 diabetic is antibody testing to not only the pancreas but several other tissues as well. Tissues such as cerebellar, thyroid, connective are but a few of these. If the patient is truly suffering from an autoimmune storm it makes perfect sense to pursue that avenue, find the cause and put the brakes on this runaway train. What is causing the autoimmune reaction, what is driving it, what is not beneficial to it, and what can we do about it? Proper testing is the foundation to all proper diagnosis.

Many treatment options exist for these patients some are medications, some are natural, and some are true lifestyle changes. You most importantly have to focus on regulating the immune system and putting out the fire before it causes more damage.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Treatments for Underactive Thyroid - Hypothyroid Supplements

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Treatments for Underactive Thyroid - Hypothyroid Supplements.

Hypothyroidism in men is a very common condition but it is more prevalent in women. Also, the incidence of which is higher in older people. An under-active thyroid occurs when the gland fails to produce the two most important hormones which are thyroxin and triiodothyronine.

Generally, treatment for hypothyroidism requires a lifetime effort. It involves replacement of the needed hormones using synthetic thyroid hormones such as levothyroxine. However, this does not actually cure the condition but relieve the patient of its tough symptoms. While undergoing thyroid drug therapy, regular visits to the physician must be made in order to ensure that the patient is taking sufficient amount of doses.

The most common causes of primary hypothyroidism are:

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis - This is an autoimmune disease which is the number one cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S. It is hereditary and the most common sign is an enlarged thyroid gland or goiter. This happens when a person's immune system attacks it own healthy cells.

Over-treatment of hyperthyroidism - There are many medications for hyperthyroidism that may actually cause and under-active thyroid. Surgery or radioactive iodine treatment may even result to loss of functioning thyroid tissue.

Severe deficiency in Iodine - Since the thyroid gland needs iodine to produce the hormones, insufficiency of which results to thyroid problems. This is the reason why countries where iodine is not sufficiently incorporated in their diet have higher rate of hypothyroidism.

Below are Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Men:

• Inexplicable sluggishness and weakness

• Excessive weight gain due to slow metabolic rate

• Intolerance to cold

• Dry skin and thinning hair

• Low memory and concentration

• Swelling of extremities and joint/muscle aches

Since thyroid hormones are responsible for growth and development in our system, it is only logical that lack of it results to the signs and symptoms enumerated above.

Hypothyroid Supplements

There are a lot of natural supplements for hypothyroidism on the market today. Also, having the right diet and exercise will help alleviate the symptoms. Plants like bladderwack and kelp are very commonly used in treatment for under-active thyroid.

Iodine - Since one of the most common causes of hypothyroidism in men is iodine deficiency, it is very helpful to take supplements that are rich in it. Iodine aids in thyroid hormone synthesis.

B vitamin Complex - This is very important in the effective functioning of almost every process in the body which is affected by the condition such as the nervous system, energy boost, digestion, and healthy skin and nails.

Selenium and Zinc - Selenium is very important in the production of thyroxin and Zinc helps in stimulating the pituitary gland.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Treatment of Hypothyroidism - Artificial Medicines at Work

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Treatment of Hypothyroidism - Artificial Medicines at Work.

Thyroid hormone medicine can easily cure hypothyroidism. Treatment of hypothyroidism should be well co-coordinated with balanced diet and exercise.

The most reliable and effective thyroid replacement hormone is artificial hormone that is made by man. After the treatment commences you will require frequent visits to your doctor to ensure that you are following right doses of medication. Hypothyroidism hormone medication will start showing its effects within a week or two. All the symptoms will be eliminated in few months. Children as well as infants should be immediately treated with hypothyroidism. Older individuals and adults, who have trouble keeping up with their health, respond late to the medicines.

Treatment depends on the Case

If your thyroid gland has been operated and removed or if it has been exposed to radiation for radiation therapy, you will probably have to take the treatment for lifetime. Thyroid gland malfunction reoccurs in the form of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Your thyroid functioning system will recover to normal over a period, if any infection or serious illness has triggered your hypothyroidism. Medicines can also result in hypothyroidism and it will recover on its own as soon as you stop taking the medicines. In case of sub clinical or hypothyroidism, you will not require any kind of treatment. But you will have to observe your hypothyroidism very carefully and watch out for signs before your condition gets worse.

According to the scientific society, there are no clear evidences found that will support the treatment of hypothyroidism. Many health professionals doubt on the treatment of mild hypothyroidism. When the conditions get severe, you and your health personal can discuss on the kind of treatment that you must follow and the possible benefits that can be achieved. You can also take the necessary steps that will help to improve the symptoms as compared to the high risks and cost factors involved in monitoring the symptoms. The proportions in which thyroid medicine is taken should be monitored with great care, especially in case heart patients. Excess intake of medicine increases the possibility of angina or chest pain and disturbed heartbeats or atrial fibrillation.    

Initial steps towards the treatment

The health professional will prescribe you with levothyroxine sodium, a thyroid medicine like synthroid, levothroid, or levoxyl. Observe the prescription strictly. Your doctor will want to see you in one and a half month to two months time to check on the doses of your medicine. Less intake of medicine will cause symptoms like constipation, anemia, and sensitivity towards cold, weight gain, and sluggishness. Excess medicine will cause shaking or tremors, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping, chest pains and irregular heartbeats in patients. Heart patients are advised to start with low doses of medicine. If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you will have to take immediate treatment.

If your case is serious, it may lead to myxedema coma, rare but life-threatening condition. Taking treatment for myxedema needs observation in intensive care unit/ ICU. Thyroid hormone is treated with intravenously IV. Ventilator is used for the treatment of hypothyroidism if the patient has difficulty in breathing. You will also be kept under observation for heart problems like heart attack or strokes and given treatment if necessary.

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hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Top 5 Ways to Maintain Thyroid Health

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Top 5 Ways to Maintain Thyroid Health.

The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) report states that thyroid disorder is the most common disease that affects the hormone gland in USA and it is on the rise. The report also states that 80% of the people who suffer from this condition are women and the most common disorder they are prone to is Hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland is situated just below your "Adams apple" or larynx. It is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland which makes the thyroid hormone which helps our body use energy to stay warm, ensures that the brain, heart, muscles and other organs function smoothly. Therefore these hormones are necessary for growth and development and to maintain hormone balance, metabolism, digestive process, blood flow, oxygen utilization, mental health, and so on. In short, any imbalance can cause the entire system to break down.

What is Hypothyroidism?

The most common type of thyroid disorder is under active thyroid or hypothyroidism which happens when the thyroid gland fails to produce sufficient hormones for the body to function normally. The slowing down of various bodily processes causes the entire system to go out of control. The symptoms of this include

  • Loss of appetite

  • Mental fatigue

  • Weight gain

  • Constipation

  • Joint pain

  • Cramps

  • Tiredness

  • Intolerance towards cold

  • Reduced heart rate.

  • The most noticeable is the weight gain even when the food intake is less.

This disorder can also result due to iodine deficiency, and hereditary factors. However, the most common cause is Hashimoto's syndrome where the body's own immune system damages the thyroid cells. Another factor is Postpartum Thyroiditis where mothers develop this disease within a year of childbirth. In most cases, these disorders go undetected because the symptoms are mistaken for other diseases. As per studies, more than 9 million people in US have gone undiagnosed . However, it is a common condition which can be treated successfully. Making diet and lifestyle changes can help to maintain healthy thyroid naturally.

Listed below are the top 5 ways to maintain thyroid health

  • Check for this condition as soon as you hit 30.

  • Avoid junk and packaged food and eat healthy food rich in iodine.

  • Do aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, bicycling, stair-stepping and so on. This will bring in more oxygen into the body and thus help maintain the body nmetabolism

  • Take natural supplements to makeup for the lack of hormone produced by the thyroid gland.

  • If diagnosed with low thyroid symptoms, avoid eating raw or uncooked food rich in 'goitrogens' such as soy, broccoli, and cabbage as it interferes with the uptake of iodine.

Maintaining thyroid health requires you to be aware of the needs of your body to remain healthy. With the tips provided above, you can definitely maintain your thyroid health and also lead a healthy life.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thyroid Treatment and Thyroid Health

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Treatment and Thyroid Health.

Just like the furnace in your house, your thyroid is used to regulate your body's temperature. Hyperthyroid means your thyroid gland is functioning too low and you will be cold along with all the systems of your body. Your body's systems will work at a reduced state because the enzymes of the body need to be at 98.6 degrees F to work properly. Once your body temperature is below this normal range, it will negatively effect all other systems, glands, and organs. The reverse, when your thyroid gland is functioning too high will result in the body temperature alternative between hot and cold. This is known as hyperthyroid, Graves, and Hashimoto's. In any of these conditions, the immune system is stressed and this will lead to major health disorders.

The best scenario is a balanced thyroid gland with normal thyroid hormone secretion. Let's take a look at some of the major influences on thyroid functions where it's important to know that the thyroid gland is effected by many other glands, organs, and systems.

The nervous system is the first major influence that includes the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, and spinal nerves that control every other organ, gland and system in the body. The master hormonal gland that controls thyroid function is called the hypothalamus.

The immune system is next and when overly active is called autoimmune. Grave's disease and Hashimoto's are autoimmune thyroid diseases. An underactive immune system can cause thyroid cancer.

The hormonal system is the brain via the hypothalamus directly controlling the pituitary gland function. The gland directly controls most all hormonal gland secretions including the thyroid gland. All the following have to be in balance to heal the thyroid: pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, and adrenals.

The digestive system when properly working can lead to malabsorption and deficiency, along with toxic build up. These are all negative effects on the thyroid gland functions and will never heal or be in optimum health if your digestive system is out of balance.

Next is the elimination system. A stressed thyroid will cause this system to be overburdened and not allow proper detoxification to move the chemicals and toxins out of your body.

The biochemical system, unless balanced with correct diet customized for one's individual biochemistry, can't properly heal the thyroid. Iodine is needed for the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. Too much iodine will lead to hyperthyroid condition or autoimmune thyroid. Too little and this can lead to hypothyroid or goiter. Balance is required to keep the body and thyroid gland in health.

Next is the mental/emotional state which cause stress in the hormonal system and cause thyroid conditions to remain active. Overly active adrenal glands secret cortisol due to perceived stress and inhibit the thyroid function.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Thyroid Symptoms and the Importance of Self Help

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Symptoms and the Importance of Self Help.

There are approximately almost 20 times more women than men who are thought to be sufferers of thyroid symptoms. It is also more common for older people to develop thyroid conditions. In the UK at this time there are probably more than half a million women and around 25 - 30 thousand male thyroid condition sufferers. In the more populous US the numbers are naturally higher and it is thought that there could be as many as 20 million suffering the symptoms of thyroid problems, and of these as many as 65 percent may as yet be undiagnosed.

Indeed thyroid symptoms as so many and various sufferers can remain either undiagnosed or mis-diagnosed for many years. Without diagnoses their hormonal imbalance may go unrecognised and their chronic thyroid symptoms put down to other causes. This can have a devastating effect on a sufferers life. In extreme cases some of the symptoms of thyroid problems have even led to people being committed to mental health institutions, for they can truly feel and act as if they are going mad, or so depressed as to be suicidal.

Thyroid disease is evidently a monumental problem and anyone who has found themselves persistently tired, gaining weight unexpectedly, looking puffy and bloated, feeling down, lacking energy, suffering anxiety, losing their hair, feeling weak and listless, having achy joints and muscles, finding it hard to concentrate, suffering prolonged menstrual cycles, or having trouble conceiving (or any combination of these as well as many other potential thyroid symptoms) should really ask themselves: "Could my health problems be caused by my thyroid?"

Sadly it cannot always be easy to find out for sure if your thyroid is causing the symptoms that you are experiencing. This is because general medical knowledge about the thyroid is extremely limited. This complex and important gland, that hold sway over so many vital body functions is given only short shrift in medical studies, and as part of the 'endocrine system' it falls to the relatively few Endocrinologist specialists to be the font of knowledge about the diseases of the thyroid. Even more sadly, the state of knowledge about how the endocrine system works and just what might impact on it is still very much a work in progress and finding an open minded and truly informed endocrine specialist is potentially a very rare possibility.

Those thyroid sufferers who have made headway in terms of dealing with their thyroid condition have often done so by swimming against the tide of typical medical authority, and as far as is possible, making themselves an expert on the thyroid through copious research and study. Many thyroid symptom sufferers have finally achieved some relief from their condition through a combination of self-study and trial and error!

There are certainly some recognized conditions that lead to the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. For example on a worldwide scale the simple deficiency of iodine in the diet is still the greatest cause of the symptoms of thyroid problems. Lack of iodine interferes with the efficient function of the thyroid gland and leads to hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid.

However there are also other diseases such as Hashimotos disease, an auto-immune condition that causes the bodies own defenses to attack the thyroid and cause inflammation resulting in under-activity that an also lead to hypo thyroid symptoms. Therefore a major physical signs of thyroid condition in the case of Hashimotos inflammation is the appearance of the swelling or goiter. Alternately the thyroid can become atrophied, or shrunken and diminished, hence under-active through the condition recognized as myoedema.

Thyroid activity can also be adversely affected by chemical factors that occur in certain foodstuffs and in some areas where these foods are regularly consumed more cases of thyroid symptoms can of course occur. These anti-thyroid elements, or goitrogens, are found in the brassica family of vegetables (includes cabbages, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, swedes, turnips), lima beans, bamboo shoots and also in staple items in some cultures such as cassava, maize and sweet potatoes.

The other side of the coin with respect to the symptoms of thyroid problems is when the gland is over-active. In the event of hyperthyroid symptoms sufferers can become excruciatingly thin, and suffer terrible anxiety. Perhaps the most recognized physical symptom is bulging eyes. The best known condition that results in hyper thyroidism is Graves Disease. One of the key problems with certain forms of hyper thyroid treatments is that they can, themselves, lead to the causation of hypo thyroiditis (such as may be inevitable if, say, the over-active thyroid gland is partially or wholly removed by surgery).

What is certain, is that if you should suspect that persistent and undiagnosed health conditions might be thyroid symptoms you should,in the first instance, refer to your MD, GP or professional medical adviser, with a view to obtaining all the necessary blood tests and any other diagnostic procedures on offer. However if the results are inconclusive or unhelpful do not give up. You should continue to investigate hyperthyroid symptoms or hypo thyroid, whichever seems most likely and seek out self-help communities and/or consider trying a quality thyroid supplement to see if some relief and improvement can be gained. Many sufferers have transformed their lives by becoming their own thyroid symptoms expert!

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Thyroid Stopping Your Weight Loss

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Stopping Your Weight Loss.

You may have a messed up thyroid and not even know about it. Women are in the majority when it comes to having a sluggish thyroid gland. Many have Hashimoto disease and have never even heard to this condition, let alone know they have it. Take one look at Oprah Winfrey and her weight struggles over the years. Her recent diagnosis of having Hashimoto's is really not a surprise if you know that a messed up thyroid can frustrate your best weight loss efforts. Even if you just have a slow and sluggish thyroid, you will have trouble losing weight.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the sufferer has low levels of active thyroid hormone levels in their blood supply. People can get a messed up thyroid by experiencing:

* chronic and ongoing stress

* lack of sleep

* poor nutrition

* other health related issues

Your thyroid condition can manifests itself by a depressed metabolism, dry skin/dry feet problems, depression, constipation, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Individuals need Iodine in their diet because it is a major necessity for production of thyroid hormone. Fish is high in Iodine and will help your thyroid gland. Coconut oil is good for your thyroid gland also. It is a good fat and adding 4 tablespoons a day to your diet will help you to lose weight. In fact, coconut oil is being advertised as a weight loss product.

You can take steps to balance out your messed up thyroid gland by going to your doctor for testing. There are medications that can help your thyroid hormone levels. Learn about techniques that are good for your thyroid gland, like getting enough sleep and lowering your stress levels. All of these factors working together can help you over come your weight loss challenge. Straighten out your thyroid gland and burn off excess fat. This weight loss combination is for hypothyroidism sufferers.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thyroid Problems and Hair

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Problems and Hair.

Thyroid Problems

The thyroid gland converts iodine and the amino acid tyrosine, found in our food, into the thyroid hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine which are abbreviated to T4 and T3 respectively.

Thyroid cells are the only ones in the body that can absorb iodine. Unless we obtain these two elements in our diet regularly the thyroid may begin to malfunction.

Look at the dietary sources and try to include them into your food. For example Iodine is found in seaweeds (kelp). Tyrosine can be synthesized in the body from the essential amino acid Phenylalanine which is found in many high protein and dairy products.

The Thyroid Hormones

The thyroid gland releases T3 and T4 into the blood stream where it is then transported throughout the body to control metabolism (conversion of oxygen and calories to energy). We would quickly die if the thyroid were to be removed and the hormones not replaced.

The normal thyroid gland produces about 80% T4 and about 20% T3, however, T3 possesses about four times the hormone "strength" as T4. Within the brain the hypothalamus, releases a hormone know as Thyroid Releasing Hormone.

This alters the level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone released. It can be viewed like a thermostat. As levels of T3 and T4 rise the thermostat kicks in and shuts of TRH, which reduces TSH and then tells the thyroid to cut it's production of thyroid hormones. If this delicate hormonal balance should falter the thyroid can become under active (or overactive).

Thyroid Problems and Hair Loss

The most common pattern of hair loss we see with an under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism) is a diffuse pattern of loss (general thinning across the top of the scalp). However it is common in alopecia areata too, so needs to be excluded if you have these patterns of loss.

The least invasive way to check the thyroid is by measuring basal temperature. The logic being that when thyroid function is normal, temperature and pulse rates will be in a given range. When temperature falls below the ideal range, it is often indicative of hypothyroidism, so further investigation is needed.

A blood test can measure the levels of the thyroid hormones and if the body is producing antibodies against its own thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease). However some doctors have found that the cells may not be taking up the hormones efficiently and that the blood hormone levels can be in normal range, but the patient still exhibit signs of under-activity.

The temperature test is a quick non invasive test, however it is advisable to follow this up with more thorough tests if you suspect an underactive thyroid.

How To Do A Basal Temperature Test

Before going to sleep, shake down a glass thermometer to below 90 degrees Fahrenheit and place it within easy reach. Do not use a digital thermometer because they are often not as accurate as the glass version. First thing in the morning make sure you take your under arm temperature before getting out of bed. The temperature should be recorded after ten minutes. The correct range should be 97.8 - 98.2. However a couple of things can alter this: women's temperature can rise around 1 degree at the point of ovulation. This needs to be factored into the reading. More importantly, in female hair loss it is wise to see if your temperature does actually rise at ovulation because it can indicate a hormonal cause to your hair loss.

Treatment For Under-active Thyroids

If your thyroid is found to be under-active the conventional treatment is thyroid hormone replacement. This is where you are given a drug that resembles the body's thyroid hormones.

Certain drugs contain only T4, while others contain only T3 and yet others a combination of both.

There are basically two different approaches: thyroid replacement started with desiccated pigs thyroid and was dominated by the brand Amour.

Synthetic versions were then developed and marketed and are more popular these days.

What is extremely important to note is that these drugs are extremely potent and should only be taken with strict medical supervision.

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Thyroid Problems After Pregnancy

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Problems After Pregnancy.

Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her body produces more hormones than usual. This is the cause of mood swings, changes in appetite, having feelings of extreme tiredness, or excessive sleepiness. When the baby is finally out it the world, mommy's hormones are still adjusting. One gland of the endocrine system that is affected by pregnancy is the thyroid.

During pregnancy, the thyroid gets a little bigger. This, in turn, has impact on the thyroid's production of hormones that regulate a person's metabolism, energy use, and protein production. A woman who is with child should have a balanced intake of iodine to avoid problems with the thyroid during pregnancy and after giving birth.

While pregnancy causes changes in the thyroid gland and its production of the thyroid hormone, it can also lead to certain thyroid conditions such as hyperthyroidism where there is overproduction of thyroid hormones, or hypothyroidism where a woman has an under-active thyroid gland.

This condition is called postpartum thyroiditis (PPT). It usually follows the pattern of having hyperthyroidism which is then followed by hypothyroidism.

What is PPT?

PPT is a condition that manifests its symptoms from one to eight months after giving birth. Considered as an auto immune condition, PPT can cause hyperthyroidism that can last from a month or two. This condition is similar to two other auto immune diseases that affect the thyroid gland namely; Grave's disease and Hashimoto's disease which is also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. PPT is said to be a variation of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Weight gain or weight loss depending on the level of thyroid hormone produced

  • Fatigue

  • Excessive sleepiness

  • Dry hair that may lead to hair falling out

  • Rapid heartbeat and lack of concentration

  • Decreased amount of milk produced for breastfeeding.

What Can Be Done?

Avoiding PPT can be done by having a balanced diet that has the right amount of iodine for the mother and the baby's needs. If needed, supplements to adjust the level of the thyroid hormone to the normal state may be needed.

The symptoms present above may not immediately be seen after giving birth. An interval of one to eight months is the span where such symptoms may manifest themselves. Treatment can be done by taking replacement thyroid hormones prescribed by the OB-gynecologist.

In some cases, the thyroid gets too damaged by the hormone production changes it has undergone and may not return to its normal function. When this happens, the woman may need to have lifelong medications to compensate for the loss of thyroid function.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Thyroid Problem Prevention

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Problem Prevention.

Near 60 million Americans develop some form of thyroid disease. Many medical experts believe that this number will climb as time passes.

As the main gland of metabolism and energy, problems with your thyroid can have an impact on many things including weight, fertility, heart disease, and even mental illness. There are still many more things that can go wrong in our everyday lives if the thyroid gland becomes dysfunctional.

There are methods that can be used to reduce the risk of developing thyroid disease or a dysfunctional thyroid condition. Here are a few.

Ask for a Thyroid Collar When X-Rayed

Do you remember the last time you got dental x-rays, or X-rays of your head, neck or just below that area like a collarbone perhaps? Did the technician use a thyroid collar when you were x-rayed? Make sure you ask for one the next time you need to get an x-ray of the above areas. The collar is heavy lead lined and can be placed around your neck before x-rays are taken.

You always want to minimize exposure to radiation especially around your head area as much as possible. After all, if your thyroid is not the part being x-rayed, then you are allowing unnecessary exposure of your thyroid to radiation. The thyroid is quite sensitive to radiation. Excessive radiation will increase the risk of developing a thyroid condition.

So remember: Ask for a thyroid collar.

Quit Smoking

The toxins in cigarettes can cause great harm to your thyroid gland. Thiocyanate, a toxin found in cigarettes, is especially dangerous to the thyroid and can lead to thyroid disease.

Eye complications due to Graves disease, a condition associated with thyroid disease, is common among smokers as they are more likely to develop it. Treating this complication in smokers is not as effective when compared to non-smokers. Smoking already contains health risks with a host of other symptoms. Thyroid complication due to smoking compounds the health risks of smoking even further.

Ask your doctor for assistance if necessary. For many people, seeing the inside of a smoker's body did the trick.

Testing and Treating Thyroid Antibodies

German researchers have discovered that treating a patient with levothyroxine in a patient that had Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis -- but TSH level had not gone beyond the normal range -- could decrease the onset and extent of autoimmune disease spread.

The researchers came to the conclusion that using a preventative treatment in patients with normal TSH levels who have Hashimoto's disease reduces the various appearances of autoimmune thyroiditis and could possibly stop the spread of Hashimoto's disease. It has also been suggested that such treatment may event help prevent the development of hypothyroidism.

A TSH test alone might not be a sufficient test for thyroid symptoms. Ask your doctor to conduct tests for antibodies also or find a doctor willing to provide this type of treatment.

Do not Overdo Soy Intake.

The over-consumption of soy products has been associated with increased risk of thyroid disease development. Many soy products are unnatural forms of soy that can affect your immune system negatively and lead to thyroid problems in certain people.

Natural forms of soy such as tofu and miso soup are better for your health if consumed in moderation. Avoid soy powders, pills or creams. These products contain unnatural parts and will only work against your thyroid function and overall health.

Potassium Iodide In Case of Nuclear Emergency

Potassium iodide can also be purchased over-the-counter. This supplement can be ingested within hours after a nuclear incident and may help protect the thyroid from risk of developing a thyroid condition or even thyroid cancer.

If you happen to reside within 50-100 miles of a nuclear power plant, it's a good idea to have your own supply of potassium iodide for you and your family where it is easy to locate. You may also want to keep some in the drawer at work and even in your car. You should only take them in the case of an emergency and when the government notifies the public through the Emergency Broadcast System. If this occurs the broadcast will specify recommended level for intake.

The Fluoride in Toothpaste and Your Thyroid

Fluoride can be used as a drug to treat hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland). Fluoride causes a thyroid to become more underactive and does so effectively.

Many things we come in contact with regularly such as water, toothpaste and even dental rinses contain fluoride. We need to be careful about how much we allow into our system.

Some experts recommend fluoride free water and toothpaste.

Get Celiac Disease/Gluten Intolerance Diagnosed and Treated

Celiac disease is a condition causing the intestines to react abnormally to gluten. Gluten is a protein commonly found in wheat, rye, oats, barley, kamut, spelt and other grains. Celiac disease must be diagnosed properly and treated as soon as possible. By doing so, it is possible to prevent some cases of autoimmune hypothyroidism.

Celiac disease is also known as celiac sprue or gluten intolerance. In some individuals, medical researchers have discovered that the thyroid antibodies disappear following a three to six month gluten-free diet. This regimen prevents thyroid disease from developing.

Getting the Most from Your Doctor's Visit

Knowing the risk factors associated with thyroid disease is a crucial part of the successful prevention in an adverse thyroid condition. It is important to educate yourself as much as possible and be informed about thyroid and autoimmune disease.

You can find a great deal of information on the web or even in print at a doctor's office. This website can provide you with information about as well.

Keeping up with the latest information will not only allow you to get the most out of your doctor's visit but can ensure continued healthy thyroid function for your and your family.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thyroid Problem - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Thyroid Problem - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments.

Thyroid glands are meticulousness instruments which are very much important in metabolism and growth. This means that the glands are not only necessary for the functioning of the human body but even it needs to be working accurately in order to have a good health. Hypothyroidism is one of the most widespread forms of thyroid problems. The most common forms of this problem is Hashimoto's disease or thyroiditis, which is an immune disease that affects thyroid. Hypothyroidism can even be caused when the thyroid glands get sluggish or inflamed. Thyroid problems can even be caused due to lack of iodine which is the affect of dysfunction, medication or surgery of pituitary gland.   


Overweight or obesity is one of the first signs which particularly arise when extra pounds pile up quickly.The skin usually becomes rough and dry, continuous tiredness and dry hair are some of the other symptoms of thyroid problem. An individual can even have constipation, cramps and memory loss, all these symptoms can also been seen. This means one must consult a physician for the diagnosis of thyroid problem. One of the best methods to diagnose this health problem is to have the blood test of thyroid hormones like T4 and TSH. The problems can emerge in an individual who has the similar levels as other person who appears perfectly fine. The range of these thyroid hormone levels considered common is quite large. However, a blood test always remains the one of the best methods to diagnose thyroid health problem like hypothyroidism.


One of the best treatments is Levothyroxine which is a synthetic thyroid hormone. This specific treatment can frequently be very dangerous and requires continuous monitoring as to how the levels of Levothyroxine affect the condition. An optional method of treating this health problem is by utilizing natural hormone like the extract from cows. However, there is always a doubt about the virus infections. In both the conditions it is believed that alteration of thyroid hormone levels treat the causes of thyroid problem moderately than just provisionally relieving the symptoms.   

Natural treatment

Supplements and vitamins are even important when treating thyroid problems and also for supporting normal thyroids. Vitamins like C and A usually help a lot and even the consumption of copper. By the way, it is best to avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea and alcohol and even smoking. Foods with preservatives and additives must also be avoided where as fresh fruits and vegetables must be increased in your daily diet in order to enhance the balance to your body.   

There are so many natural remedies which can be utilized to treat several thyroid problems. One of the most effective remedies includes Kelp which has been utilized in Chinese medicines for many centuries. Lyceum berry and Go-ji is also said to be some of the other effective remedies for the problem. As the causes of thyroid problems are many, one of the best methods of maintaining thyroid diseases is taking holistic approach to nutrition and health.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.