Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Treatment of Hypothyroidism - Artificial Medicines at Work

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Treatment of Hypothyroidism - Artificial Medicines at Work.

Thyroid hormone medicine can easily cure hypothyroidism. Treatment of hypothyroidism should be well co-coordinated with balanced diet and exercise.

The most reliable and effective thyroid replacement hormone is artificial hormone that is made by man. After the treatment commences you will require frequent visits to your doctor to ensure that you are following right doses of medication. Hypothyroidism hormone medication will start showing its effects within a week or two. All the symptoms will be eliminated in few months. Children as well as infants should be immediately treated with hypothyroidism. Older individuals and adults, who have trouble keeping up with their health, respond late to the medicines.

Treatment depends on the Case

If your thyroid gland has been operated and removed or if it has been exposed to radiation for radiation therapy, you will probably have to take the treatment for lifetime. Thyroid gland malfunction reoccurs in the form of Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Your thyroid functioning system will recover to normal over a period, if any infection or serious illness has triggered your hypothyroidism. Medicines can also result in hypothyroidism and it will recover on its own as soon as you stop taking the medicines. In case of sub clinical or hypothyroidism, you will not require any kind of treatment. But you will have to observe your hypothyroidism very carefully and watch out for signs before your condition gets worse.

According to the scientific society, there are no clear evidences found that will support the treatment of hypothyroidism. Many health professionals doubt on the treatment of mild hypothyroidism. When the conditions get severe, you and your health personal can discuss on the kind of treatment that you must follow and the possible benefits that can be achieved. You can also take the necessary steps that will help to improve the symptoms as compared to the high risks and cost factors involved in monitoring the symptoms. The proportions in which thyroid medicine is taken should be monitored with great care, especially in case heart patients. Excess intake of medicine increases the possibility of angina or chest pain and disturbed heartbeats or atrial fibrillation.    

Initial steps towards the treatment

The health professional will prescribe you with levothyroxine sodium, a thyroid medicine like synthroid, levothroid, or levoxyl. Observe the prescription strictly. Your doctor will want to see you in one and a half month to two months time to check on the doses of your medicine. Less intake of medicine will cause symptoms like constipation, anemia, and sensitivity towards cold, weight gain, and sluggishness. Excess medicine will cause shaking or tremors, nervousness, difficulty in sleeping, chest pains and irregular heartbeats in patients. Heart patients are advised to start with low doses of medicine. If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you will have to take immediate treatment.

If your case is serious, it may lead to myxedema coma, rare but life-threatening condition. Taking treatment for myxedema needs observation in intensive care unit/ ICU. Thyroid hormone is treated with intravenously IV. Ventilator is used for the treatment of hypothyroidism if the patient has difficulty in breathing. You will also be kept under observation for heart problems like heart attack or strokes and given treatment if necessary.

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hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.