Monday, April 30, 2012

The End of Being Tired

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet The End of Being Tired.

If you've been feeling really lethargic lately and you seem to gain weight at the drop of a hat, you might be suffering from Hashimoto's disease. Now don't get panicky, you only have a couple of the symptoms. There are many more that would indicate the disease, such as: depression, mania, sensitivity to heat and cold, panic attacks, bradycardia, tachycardia, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, constipation, migraines, muscle weakness, cramps, memory loss and infertility.

Now as many of you know, these symptoms on their own do not mean anything, it doesn't have to be Hashimoto's disease. So what is Hashimoto's Disease? It is when your thyroid is attacked by the antibodies in your own body. Your auto immune system actually attacks the thyroid in its own system.

This disorder is most common, especially with hypothyroidism, in middle-aged Northern Americans, roughly 1 per thousand. Basically what a doctor needs to do when he tests you and finds the hormone imbalances in your blood, is a medication is prescribed to you to take every day, the rest of your life. You need this medication to keep your antibodies from attacking.

You don't necessarily have Hashimoto's disease just because you have hypothyroidism. You could just have an unbalanced thyroid. But if you do, you still need to take medication for it.

If you are diagnosed as having Hashimoto's disease or just hypothyroidism, you should not let a significant amount of time go by without taking your medication. Without your disease being medicated, you could lose your muscles control and/or you could have a heart attack. Some must take the medication for the rest of their lives, if they are prescribed medication for it.

Not only will medication take care of the symptoms, but it will make the patient feel a lot better. They won't be so tired all of the time and any efforts to lose weight should prove to be successful; whereas, before they had their medication no amount of aerobics or dieting would work. So just be grateful that there is a medication that takes care of the symptoms and that you can lead a normal life even with the .

If you or someone you know has been suffering from some of the symptoms of Hashimoto's disease listed above and are currently not seeing a doctor about it to have them addressed, please take this time and make an appointment. You can get your energy back, and when you do, the whole world will open up to you again.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.