Monday, April 30, 2012

The Hypothyroid Diet

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet The Hypothyroid Diet.

What is The Hypothyroid Diet, how is it different, and will it work for you?

The Hypothyroid Diet is a simple step-by-step program designed to help jumpstart your thyroid so you can lose weight, beat fatigue, and feel normal again. This diet is not a low calorie diet, and you don't have to keep track of every calorie you put into your mouth. It's not a low fat diet, and it's not a high protein diet, and there's no counting of points or weighing of foods. The Hypothyroid Diet helps you detoxify your body from harmful substances that may be blocking thyroid hormone production. It shows you what foods you need to eat, so you can feed your thyroid the nutrients it needs in order to thrive. It helps you eliminate food allergies/sensitivities and it will show you how to stabilize your blood sugar. Within The Hypothyroid Diet is a system, and I call this system the DES system, which stands for Detoxification, Elimination, and Stabilization.

Here's how it works...

Every day, harmful chemicals get into your body that you're unaware of. These chemicals look just like the minerals your thyroid needs to make thyroid hormone. However, if you are low on the minerals your body needs to produce thyroid hormone, which most Americans are, your body will try to use these harmful chemicals instead, because they look just like the minerals it needs. The result is your body will be unable to make thyroid hormone. This program will help you identify and eliminate the nasty chemicals your body doesn't need, and it will show you which minerals you do need to make thyroid hormone.

The second part of this system helps you eliminate food sensitivities. This is important because most people have food sensitivities and don't even know it. And if you have food sensitivities, your immune system will be working overtime, because your body thinks there's a foreign invader inside and it will be constantly trying to fight it. The result can be symptoms similar to hypothyroidism: fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, constipation, aches/pains, etc. Plus, when some of these foods get digested and sneak into your blood stream, they resemble thyroid tissue. So, your body will inadvertently attack your thyroid.

The last part of The Hypothyroid Diet helps you stabilize your blood sugar. If you can stabilize your blood sugar, you can eliminate cravings, reduce body fat, and have abundant energy throughout the day. This program is different from any other diet because it focuses on jumpstarting your thyroid - the gland that is responsible for your metabolism. Some diets may focus on Detoxification, Eliminating food allergies, or Stabilizing blood sugar, but no program addresses all three. That's why it works so well. This program is very safe and will work for anyone who has a thyroid problem. In fact, it will help anyone who has an autoimmune disorder, food allergies, or if they just want to lose weight. The beauty of the program is that it works fast.

Another reason why the Hypothyroid Diet works so well is it helps the immune system work more efficiently. If you have hypothyroidism, there's a great chance that you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is the number one cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S. Hahsimoto's is an immune system problem. And if you don't help your immune system, you will always struggle with hypothyroidism. There's nothing that affects your body more than the food you eat and the liquids you drink 10-12 times a day. Learn what you need to eat and drink and what you need to avoid so you can jumpstart your thyroid, lose weight, beat fatigue, and feel normal again.

If you have hypothyroidism, I urge you to try The Hypothyroid Diet.

Warm regards,

Dr. Kevin

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

The Gut-Thyroid Connection

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet The Gut-Thyroid Connection.

Many diseases can be traced to a breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract where 70 percent of your immune system resides. The GI tract has many important functions for overall health including digestion, nutrient absorption, elimination, detoxification, hormone metabolism and energy production. Every brain chemical known as a neurotransmitter is also found in the intestine where 99 percent of neurotransmitters are made. The GI tract is very important when achieving optimal thyroid health.

Remember that T4 (thyroxine) is inactive until it is converted into T3 (triiodothyronine) which is the active form of thyroid hormone. Twenty percent of the thyroid hormone in your body must be converted into the active form (T3) in the GI tract by the enzyme sulfatase. This is a significant percentage considering the powerful role that thyroid hormone plays in the body. This conversion of inactive thyroid hormone into active thyroid hormone in the GI tract is dependent on healthy colonies of beneficial bacteria. An imbalance in the ratios of bacteria in the GI tract (dysbiosis) can lead to low thyroid function. This explains why so many patients with thyroid hormone imbalance also have digestive problems and normal thyroid blood chemistry panels.

In addition, there is another mechanism in the GI tract that can lead to low thyroid function. Your digestive tract is lined with lymph (immune) tissue known as GALT (gut-associated lymphoid tissue). Stress to the GALT from food sensitivities, undigested proteins, leaky gut, and infections from bacteria, yeast and parasites can cause a major stress response which raises cortisol production by the adrenal glands. Cortisol will cause a shift in thyroid hormone metabolism increasing the inactive form of T3 known as reverse T3. Approximately twenty percent of thyroid hormone is converted into the inactive reverse T3 but this percentage will be even higher if there is an offending agent in the GI tract.

Chronic elevations in cortisol from stress will suppress the immune system in the GI tract which will lead to dysbiosis, parasites, yeast and leaky gut which then creates a vicious cycle further disrupting thyroid function. As you can see, the GI tract is extremely important in optimizing thyroid function. I have seen many patients whose thyroid function normalized after simply treating imbalances in the GI tract.

Excess estrogen in the body can suppress thyroid hormone function by binding to thyroid hormone receptor sites. The GI-Estrogen-Thyroid relationship is very important in optimizing thyroid function. The GI tract contains an enzyme called beta glucuronidase that can reactivate estrogen that has been metabolized in the liver. The metabolized form of estrogen would normally be excreted in the feces but in the face of too much beta glucuronidase, it can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. This enzyme is dependent on optimal nutrition and healthy gut bacteria ratios. Once again we see how important healthy gut bacteria are to the health of the thyroid. Poor diet, stress, toxins, unresolved psychological issues, inadequate stomach acid production and digestive enzymes can lead to dysbiosis (abnormal bacterial ratios).

GI-Liver-Thyroid Connection

Hormones and toxins are metabolized in the liver and excreted in the feces through the GI tract. Remember that a majority of thyroid hormone is converted into its active form in the liver. When the GI tract is out of balance from dysbiosis, inflammation, leaky gut, infections or too many food allergies, this puts a major strain on the liver's ability to metabolize hormones and thyroid-disrupting chemicals. This leads to a toxic liver impairing its ability to activate thyroid hormone. This scenario also increases the chances of thyroid-disrupting chemicals recirculating and impairing thyroid function. This continues the vicious cycle of the enzyme beta glucuronidase which undoes what the liver has done to metabolized hormones which may be reactivated and reabsorbed into the bloodstream and the liver.

When the intestinal barrier is broken, autoimmune thyroid may result. Infections such as candida, parasites and bacteria are a constant stress on the adrenal glands and also contribute to chronic inflammation. These infections must be eliminated in order to have optimal thyroid function. Your natural physician will order a stool analysis to diagnose GI infections. These tests will also tell you how well you are digesting and absorbing food, if there is inflammation and if you have sufficient beneficial bacteria to convert some of your thyroid hormone into its active form.

Determining if You Have a Digestive Problem

If you are having digestive problems, there is a good chance that it is affecting your thyroid function. Bloating after meals, gas, cramping, loose stools, constipation, burping, heartburn, and inconsistent stool formation can all be signs of a digestive problem. You can begin to see if you have digestive problems by doing an easy test at home. This is known as the transit time test.

Food should pass through your intestines in 18-24 hours. If it takes longer than twenty-four hours, there is something wrong with your digestive tract. This easy to do test can be done at home to measure food transit time.

Purchase a product called "activated charcoal" which is an inert substance and will turn your stool black or dark gray.

Swallow four capsules with a meal and write down the day and time that you take the capsules.

Observe your stool until you see black or dark gray stool appear. At this point, write down the day and the time. Look at the time that you originally swallowed the capsules and the time that you see the dark stool and write down the total time it took for this to happen. If it took longer than twenty-four hours, you have some work to do on your digestive tract. If it took less than 18 hours, that may also be a problem meaning that there is something irritating the digestive tract causing increased peristalsis.

The best way to determine if you have problems in your digestive tract is to complete a stool analysis. This will be ordered by your functional medicine physician. I recommend testing through Metametrix laboratory. They offer a profile called a GiFX Comprehensive Stool Analysis. Metametrix uses cutting edge technology for microbe detection in stool. This test will tell you if you have any infections that could be affecting the thyroid gland. It also tells you how well you are digesting food, if you are absorbing the food you are eating, if you have any yeast overgrowth, parasites, fungus, and/or mold and whether you have an inflammatory bowel versus an irritable bowel. It even tests for gluten intolerance. This test will also reveal if you have intestinal dysbiosis which is basically an imbalance in the bacterial colonies in the gut. This test is vital for everyone who has autoimmune thyroiditis because of the possible infectious triggers in the gut.

How to Address Imbalances in a Stool Analysis

If there are any imbalances found in the stool analysis, the following guidelines should be followed:

2. Perform the "4 R's" of gastrointestinal dysfunction:

Remove: Eliminate known food allergens such as gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, etc. Blood testing can pinpoint food reactions. Alcohol, caffeine and NSAIDS should be avoided as well. A stool analysis will diagnose infections that can be eliminated with natural medicines or medications.

Repair: Supplements to repair the intestinal barrier are taken.

Replace: Hydrochloric acid and pancreatic enzymes offer digestive support.

Reinoculate: Probiotics that contain friendly bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidobacter are taken to reinoculate proper bacterial colonies.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

The End of Being Tired

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet The End of Being Tired.

If you've been feeling really lethargic lately and you seem to gain weight at the drop of a hat, you might be suffering from Hashimoto's disease. Now don't get panicky, you only have a couple of the symptoms. There are many more that would indicate the disease, such as: depression, mania, sensitivity to heat and cold, panic attacks, bradycardia, tachycardia, high cholesterol, hypoglycemia, constipation, migraines, muscle weakness, cramps, memory loss and infertility.

Now as many of you know, these symptoms on their own do not mean anything, it doesn't have to be Hashimoto's disease. So what is Hashimoto's Disease? It is when your thyroid is attacked by the antibodies in your own body. Your auto immune system actually attacks the thyroid in its own system.

This disorder is most common, especially with hypothyroidism, in middle-aged Northern Americans, roughly 1 per thousand. Basically what a doctor needs to do when he tests you and finds the hormone imbalances in your blood, is a medication is prescribed to you to take every day, the rest of your life. You need this medication to keep your antibodies from attacking.

You don't necessarily have Hashimoto's disease just because you have hypothyroidism. You could just have an unbalanced thyroid. But if you do, you still need to take medication for it.

If you are diagnosed as having Hashimoto's disease or just hypothyroidism, you should not let a significant amount of time go by without taking your medication. Without your disease being medicated, you could lose your muscles control and/or you could have a heart attack. Some must take the medication for the rest of their lives, if they are prescribed medication for it.

Not only will medication take care of the symptoms, but it will make the patient feel a lot better. They won't be so tired all of the time and any efforts to lose weight should prove to be successful; whereas, before they had their medication no amount of aerobics or dieting would work. So just be grateful that there is a medication that takes care of the symptoms and that you can lead a normal life even with the .

If you or someone you know has been suffering from some of the symptoms of Hashimoto's disease listed above and are currently not seeing a doctor about it to have them addressed, please take this time and make an appointment. You can get your energy back, and when you do, the whole world will open up to you again.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Diet Solutions And The Gut-Thyroid Connection

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet The Diet Solutions And The Gut-Thyroid Connection.

Whilst you have hypothyroidism it is really simple to get trapped up in thyroid lab principles and which thyroid medications and dietary supplements perform the greatest. Whereas these are important elements in improving thyroid physical condition, it is really essential to recall gut health is foundational to thyroid shape. So long as you wrestle with a permeable gut, gut swelling, gut infections or parasites, heartburn, weak absorption, or constant bowel problems or diarrhea - circumstances that are so common they fuel a multi-billion-dollar business of drugstore therapies - you will on no account experience optimum thyroid shape.

The gut-thyroid association can be a vicious loop as hypothyroidism will cause deficient digestive health, and weak digestive health may trigger hypothyroidism. This is why you'll find it so vital to appropriately control Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism, which calls for more than discovering the correct thyroid drug. For the most part though, America's addiction to prepared meals, sweets, and stressed-out lifestyles leaves nearly all folks in need of some significant gut restoration.

Fixing the gut starts at the plate

The subject of repairing digestive physical condition is worthy of a book in itself. though let's touch upon a few key points here:

Food intolerances

The Removal/Provocation Food regimen necessitates you remove gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn, and yeast for 2 to 3 weeks, and then reintroduce each food every 72 hours to observe allergic reactions. it is really crucial to eradicate trouble foods to sustain gut health. And of course if you have Hashimoto's you must be on a firm gluten-free diet regime at any rate.

Deal with tension and blood sugar swings

Chronic stressors lead to either a lot or too little of the stress endocrine cortisol. Scientific studies demonstrate both extremes reduce the integrity of the GI tract. Blood sugar disruptions from diabetic issues, insulin resistance, or hypoglycemia are the most regular constant stressors in the present day, and add to poor GI and thyroid health.

Deal with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

Even though dysbiosis in the big intestine has been the target of notice for a while, modern study is showing the magnitude of taking care of dysbiosis in the small intestine. I find a monosaccharide diet program to be fairly successful in managing this issue. This is a food plan akin to the GAPS diet program that eliminates all grains, starchy vegetables (like potatoes), and sweeteners aside from honey. It further consists of every day ingestion of home-produced bone broths, which are calming to the gastric lining. For people who find a gluten-free eating plan is not delivering the anticipated benefits, a monosaccharide diet could possibly be the next step.

Do not remove the engine light

The subject of restoring digestive physical condition is immense and impressive, and this summary in no way acts as a all-inclusive method. Instead it's an prologue to some rudiments of thyroid physical condition that go past thyroid meds and vitamin supplements. weak thyroid function is like the motor light in your car turning on - you'll find it an signal to unlock the hood, examine the motor, and repair what is wrong. You do not want to just take a medication or a supplement that will make the motor light turn off.

Given the harmful mixture of poor diet programs, blood sugar disruptions, and the constantly demanding lives so common nowadays, the gut is frequently the foremost to protest. Do not disregard what it has to utter with the use of over-the-counter meds. While it goes downward other systems in the body rapidly follow suit, counting the thyroid (the brain is also harshly impacted). Whilst you set about recuperating your thyroid shape, it is crucial you tackle digestive health too.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

The Biamonte Method of Candida Elimination

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet The Biamonte Method of Candida Elimination.

The Biamonte Method of Candida Elimination is divided into 5 major sections. Each major section may have subsections. Besides having its own unique mechanism in eliminating Candida, each section is also designed to prepare the body for the section that follows. This ensures that each section will work correctly. For example, the 2nd section or phase will not work correctly if the 1st phase was not done to full completion, and so.

The reason for the 5 sections is that it is has been found that Candida must be eliminated or stripped out of the body in "layers." This is due to the different stages of growth it undergoes and the different underlying causes that allow its growth.

Candida is also like a chameleon, able to transform itself from a fungus into yeast. Candida is highly resistive and may be able to mutate against an antifungal at or around 21 days, so "rotation," or switching the antifungal used in an orderly fashion, is essential.

I now, more than ever, believe that using an approach which tries to correct all of the patient's imbalances, symptoms, and/ or deficiencies simultaneously will aggravate the Candida. Certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs can spread Candida. These are the B- complex, vitamin D, Calcium, Copper, and Iron. Other nutrients protect the Candida from the very medicines used to kill it. Most antifungals work by creating "oxidative stress" against the membrane or outer skin of the Candida. This works by "burning" or "digesting" the outer layer of the Candida. Antioxidant vitamins in high doses will protect the Candida from treatment.

In the Biamonte Method, we acknowledge 2 situations which may require attention early on that have a major impact on Candida. These are the presence of toxic metals and hormone imbalances. Both have been found to be underlying causes of Candida. However, it is how these situations are addressed, not the mere fact that they are addressed, that makes the difference between success and failure.

Hormone Connection

Having elevated levels of Estrogen and Cortisol, or having lower levels of Testosterone, Dhea, or Progesterone can make a man or woman more prone to Candida and cause continual relapse. Other hormonal imbalances can cause Candida as well. Candida may stimulate one's immune system to attack the thyroid gland, causing Hashimoto's disease. Women who notice that their Candida symptoms worsen during the PMS phase of menses, or men who notice that they have a drop in energy or libido since developing Candida- like symptoms, have hormonal problems linked to Candida. Stress will easily cause Candida by elevating the stress hormone, Cortisol, which will depress the immune system and like Estrogen, raise the amount of sugars found in the mucus surrounding the Candida. Fortunately, I have learned from years of experience that the standard approach to testing and treating hormone problems often makes Candida worse! In the Biamonte Method, we use a special way of testing for hormones that reflects how the hormone is affecting the Candida. Standard blood tests for hormones are of little use. There is also a special way for treating the hormones so as not to spread the Candida. Typical hormone treatments make Candida worse!

The Toxic Metal Connection

Toxic metals such as Mercury, Copper, Iron, Aluminum, Bismuth, and Arsenic show up consistently in the Candida patient. These metals can either disable the exact part of the immune system that seeks to control Candida or they destroy the gut flora that controls Candida. Mercury and Copper are often found in one's dental fillings and in tap water. As they pass through the intestinal tract, they can stimulate the growth of more Candida. Testing for them is done using a stool sample. A stool sample for toxic metals reflects the body's ability to excrete the metals through the stool via the liver in the primary path of metal excretion; the urine is not a prime outlet for the body to dump metals. The stool also shows how much metal the Candida is being exposed to!

The body does not form Candida as a protective mechanism against Mercury. This is false data! Mercury suppresses intestinal antibodies and immune response which allow Candida to then grow.

Many doctors make the mistake of aggressively chelating or trying to remove metals from the Candida patient early in the treatment, thinking that handling the cause will clear it faster. However, this only serves to spread the Candida. As the huge out pouring of metals move down the intestinal tract, it contacts and spreads the yeast!

Metal removal must be done after the yeast is gone. In the Biamonte Method, we use a substance which binds the metals in the intestinal tract during the early stages of Candida elimination to keep the metals away from the Candida until we can get the patient into the 3rd phase when the metals can be addressed safely.

An Outline of the 5 Phases of Candida Elimination

Phase 0

Many years ago I discovered that parasites could cause Candida. This is covered in other articles and writings that you can find on our website. The exact mechanics of this is simple. Parasites destroy friendly flora just like antibiotics do. Many parasites excrete ammonia and other toxic chemicals that destroy friendly flora like acidophilus. Some parasites also depress the immune response in the intestinal tract allowing yeasts to overgrow. Anything that destroys friendly flora can cause an overgrowth of Candida since friendly flora holds Candida in check.

The purpose of Phase 0 is to eliminate enough of the parasites from the lining of the intestinal tract so that the person will not quickly relapse on Phase 1. Phase 0 also eliminates the top layers of Candida growth so there is less die-off from Phase 1 to make you feel sick. This also allows Phase 1 to absorb faster and deeper into your system. We have 27 different versions of Phase 0. I will choose the one that best suits the patient's medical history and current symptoms.

Phase 0, of course, also begins removing the top layers of Candida. Phase 0 acts as a "challenge" for the Candida urine test that is done. (See the article, "The Biamonte Method of Candida Testing"). The Phase 0 program loosens and breaks up colonies of yeasts, bacteria, and parasites. This ensures that the waste products that they release show clearly on the urine testing so that we know the true nature of Candida levels. After I have studied the urine tests done before Phase 0 and after Phase 0, I will determine the Phase 1 program that is needed.

In many cases, testing for hormone imbalances and "Leaky Gut Syndrome'' is requested when the patient begins Phase 0.

Phase 1

The purpose of Phase 1 is to eliminate and destroy most of the Candida in the body. This program destroys Candida in the intestines, the blood, lymph, and vital organs.

This is known as the rotation program. Once we have tested the person to discover the type of Candida they have, we then select 4 substances that are especially effective on that type of Candida. The first one is taken for a 4-day period and then stopped. We then move to the next substance for another 4 days. This is repeated over and over again. This rotation is done so that the Candida does not develop a resistance to the substance. (This concept is covered in my earlier articles on Candida.)

This program may last for 2-4 months, and may go through a series of increased dosages, depending on the results of the urine test. Phase 1 doses may be increases by 50%, 100%, or 150%. If the test does not indicate increased die-off taking place despite increases, the doses of the phase could be considered finished.

At this time, hormonal imbalances may be addressed and a program to correct them is begun as an adjunct. If the hormones are imbalanced, the Candida will not fully clear and Phase 1 will not kill all of its intended victims!

Phase 2

The purpose of Phase 2 is to: 1) Destroy the Candida buried in the intestinal tract. If this Candida is not removed, it will eventually cause a full-blown relapse within 6 months to a year. 2) Establish friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract and stimulate the immune response in the intestines that fight Candida and harmful organisms. This is not done in Phase 1 or Phase 0 because we have proved that Candida will prevent friendly acidophilus and bifidus bacteria from growing. The Candida must be eliminated first before the friendly bacteria will grow. An analogy would be trying to plant flowers in a garden of weeds. 3) Repair any damage to the intestinal tract (leaky gut) that has occurred that may be causing food allergies and chemical sensitivities. Each of these actions may be their own sub- phase. This phase can also last 2-4 months or longer, depending on the needs of the patient and their test scores.

Phase 3

The purpose of Phase 3 is to regain energy. We begin by completely eliminating all toxic metals. This is the first concern on Phase 3. We often test for toxic metals using tissue mineral analysis (hair testing), urinary challenge testing with dmps or dmsa, and fecal toxic metal testing. Toxic metals will interfere with any correction or balancing of nutrients. Nutrient deficiencies, immune deficiencies, some hormonal imbalances, and some neurotransmitter imbalances will not correct in the presence of toxic metals. When toxic metals are fully eliminated, we then correct any deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, neurotransmitters, or fatty acids that exist.

Special blood and tissue mineral tests are performed to measure all the nutrients. The website explains the basic testing done on Phase 3.

Phase 3 Genetic testing

Genetic testing is also a major component of Phase 3. We specifically look for genetic errors that can cause Candida! The genetic testing also tells us what illnesses and nutrient imbalances your body is prone to based on the chromosome errors one has inherited from their parents. I compare the genetic testing, which tells me "what can happen," with the special blood and tissue mineral tests, which are telling me "what is happening," in order to see if the genetic tendencies are causing nutrient imbalances in the present. These would be our next concern. From the genetic testing, we discover which nutrients a person needs to take as a permanent maintenance program based on their own genetics.

The most common mistake in trying to regain energy in one who has Candidiasis is the use of many vitamins and minerals or other exotic supplements intended to boost energy while the Candida still exists in the body.

Giving a toxic body dozens of nutrients is asking for trouble. One can become severely ill if they take many nutrients when they are chronically toxic. The nutrients will cause a mad, uncontrolled release of toxins, which the body will not be prepared to release. The result will be feeling terrible. Candida suffers usually get bad reactions to vitamin supplements.

This is why vitamins are not given until Phase 3, after the Candida is gone.

Phase 4

The purpose here is to stimulate the immune system. In order to prevent a relapse of Candida or any chronic viral condition, proper immune function must be restored. After Phase 1, Phase 2 (killing the yeast), and Phase 3 (eliminating toxins, restoring vitamin/mineral/hormone balance and energy) have been completed, the immune system is perfectly set up to be restored. Immune function will not come back if we have deficiencies and toxic metals, as these problems can suppress the immune system. You certainly cannot restore the immune system while you have an active Candida infection. If your house was on fire (which is like having an infection), would you run into the burning house with new rugs, wallpaper, and furniture to try to "build the house back up" while it was burning down? I doubt it!

There are also many immune stimulating herbs and glandular extracts that can be used on this phase. These are determined based on the special blood/tissue mineral test. Many are taken in cycle of 4-6 days on and 2-4 days off. This prevents resistance by one's own body to the substance. The immune stimulating mineral, Gemanium, the herb Echinacea, and many other substances are best taken in this manner.

Special testing may be done to measure immune function.

Why This Works!

This method has a success rate of better than 90%, according to our recent surveys.

Much of the success of this approach is not in what we do, but when we do it, and what we DO NOT DO!

Mixing these phases together results in a patient that responds slowly, does not respond at all, or gets worse. Most doctors get poor results with Candida because they fail to understand the interactions between Candida, vitamins, hormones, and toxic metals.

The benefit and importance of this program is in preventing relapse. This program has 2 basic purposes: the first is to eliminate Candida using our advanced methods and the second is to prevent its relapse by systematically correcting all the known causes.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance in Women - Part 1

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance in Women - Part 1.

Symptoms of thyroid hormone imbalance in women affect millions every year. These symptoms may continue despite the fact that you are taking thyroid hormones and your blood tests may show normal results. Most cases of hypothyroidism are often mis-diagnosed and mis-managed.

Thyroid hormone imbalance symptoms can be any one or more of the following:


Weight gain despite adhering to a low calorie diet

Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses


Hair loss or hair falls out easily


Over-sensitivity to cold weather

Poor circulation and numbness in hands and feet

Slow wound healing

Excessive amounts of sleep required to function properly

Chronic digestive problems

Itchy-Dry skin

Facial swelling (edema)

Increased susceptibility to colds and other viral or bacterial infections

Why Are You Still Having Thyroid Symptoms Even Though You Test Normal?

Symptoms of thyroid hormone imbalance, particularly hypothyroidism, can have about twenty-two different possible causes. The problem is, only about two of those causes respond to thyroid medication.

Another issue is that most doctors are only measuring TSH and are prescribing your medication completely based upon that measurement. If the TSH level is high, most physicicans assume that the thyroid isn't doing its job, and the solution is thyroid medication. If the TSH level is low, the solution is - guess what? Thyroid medication.

No Wonder I Am Still Sick All of the Time...

This is based on a diagnostic and treatment protocol developed forty to fifty years ago. Measuring TSH alone or even T4 (total) does not tell you whether the you have proper pituitary function, whether all the other thyroid hormones are working normally throughout the body, or whether an autoimmune disorder is the culprit.

All of your other related symptoms like those listed above are being treated by a multitude of other prescribed drugs.

Hypothyroidism is not a one-size fits all diagnosis. In fact, in the United States, over 80% of patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism have an auto-immune condition called .

So, if you are still suffering, you need a doctor that reads the latest research and understands how to manage hormone and immune disorders, knows what tests to order, and understands the latest non-drug treatments.

Stay tuned for Part Two: What Is My Thyroid Imbalance Doing to My Brain?

Copyright 2010 - Dr. Jason L. Pickel.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Symptoms for Thyroid

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Symptoms for Thyroid.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped little endocrinal gland situated in the forepart of the neck. A healthy thyroid gland makes several important hormones regulating human's body metabolism that is the rate of cells functioning. The main thyroid hormones are known to be thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

Unfortunately several millions of people all over the world have thyroid disorders and dysfunctions. Most of those suffering thyroid diseases are women. A thyroid disease usually causes inappropriate usage of energy e.g. more slow or vice versa more quick than it should be.

The most spreading disorders of the thyroid gland include an overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid usually referred by health professional as hyper- and hypothyroidism respectively.

Hyperthyroidism is the overproduction of the main hormones. In this case thyroid becomes too active and secretes unusual excessive quantity of the hormones, much more hormones than the body really needs. Too much hormones can make you feel of nervous, lose weight, increase your sensitivity to heat, speed up your heart rate and cause other symptoms such as an increased thyroid, unusual heart palpitations, bulging eyes, sweating, muscles weakness and diarrhea.

To diminish some symptoms of hyperthyroidism (increased heart rate, tremors, palpitations, anxiety etc.) and to reduce the production of the hormones the anti-thyroid medications are commonly used. As an alternative, the thyroid gland can be entirely or partially removed surgically. Also some patients prefer to get radioactive iodine treatment destroying thyroid gland entirely or partially.

Hypothyroidism is the underproduction of the principal thyroid hormones. If the thyroid gland makes little quantity of the hormones, the body's metabolism become slow, causing such typical symptoms as listlessness, fatigue and tiredness, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, baldness, bradycardia.

Hypothyroidism is usually treated by health professionals with hormone substitution therapy (e.g. levothyroxine) which is normally needed for the whole patient's life.

Both mentioned thyroid disorders can result in the formation of a goiter, i.e. an enlarged condition. Generally a goiter is a swelling in the thyroid gland. Eventually it can cause a swelling of the voice box or neck. Goiter usually occurs if the thyroid gland functions improperly and the reason of more than 80% cases of goiter is iodine deficiency in diet.

There are many possible causes for both conditions. Conventional treatment usually consists of several procedures trying to readjust body's metabolism to its normal healthy rate.

There are several other thyroid diseases and conditions known as Graves' disease, Hashimoto's disease, postpartum thyroiditis, thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Stress and the Immune System

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Stress and the Immune System.

We accept stress as a normal part of our everyday lives. Fast paced, over scheduled lives are the 'norm' and are often seen as a measure of success. However, too much stress can have detrimental and long lasting effects on our health.

There are two types of stress: Acute and Chronic. Acute stress, such as physical exercise or responding to an emergency can be invigorating to the body, and does not pose a major threat to our health. Our adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol which keeps us alert and ready to effectively respond to a challenge. This 'fight or flight' mode keeps us safe from threats of all kinds. Chronic stress, however, is ongoing, and does not allow the body to recover from the release of stimulating hormones which keep the body in 'action mode'. When the body is in a constant state of 'fight or flight', there is no time for healing or repair. The adrenal glands become overworked and can no longer provide our bodies with the hormones needed to maintain overall health.

Chronic stress poses a major threat to our long term health. In fact, stress accounts for 90% of all disease. This includes everything from the relatively benign: insomnia and upset stomach; to the more serious and life threatening: heart disease, mental disorders, and cancer. One of the most important factors in keeping the body healthy is having an immune system that is working properly. An under active immune system cannot protect us from toxic invaders such as viruses, bacteria and cancerous cells. However, an overactive immune system can mistakenly attack healthy cells, leading to autoimmune disorders such as lupus and Hashimoto's thyroid disease.

Stress also has a negative effect on our intestinal health or 'gut flora'. The 'gut' is home to as many as 10 trillion microorganisms that create the foundation of our immune system. Under chronic stress, the balance of microbes is offset, causing inappropriate immune responses that lead to diseases such as allergies and asthma. The imbalance of gut flora is also found to impact a tendency to obesity.

How can we manage and reverse the damage of stress? Here are some areas on which to focus.

Nutrition. What we eat creates the building blocks of who we are. Providing our bodies with enough food in its natural and unprocessed form gives us what we need to repair and rebuild every cell of our being. Sugars, processed grains, and chemical additives put an extra burden on the immune system. Short term supplementation of specific nutrients in therapeutic doses is often required to repair the adrenal glands so they can function properly.

Enzymes. Every single chemical action or reaction in our bodies depends on enzymes. As we age, our natural levels of enzymes is diminished. Our diet rarely provides enough of these vital protein chemicals. Gas ripened and irradiated fruits and vegetables have no enzymatic activity due to this processing. Our bodies require both digestive and systemic enzymes for optimal health. Always consult a health care professional for a supplementation program appropriate for your individual needs.

Detox. We acquire toxins daily through our foods, environment, and certain over the counter and prescription medications. A complete detox every year or two can remove parasites, harmful bacteria and viruses from the intestinal system, as well as cleanse the liver and the blood. A full detox program also addresses rebuilding the gut system with a good probiotic and essential nutrients. Remember that a healthy gut creates a healthy immune system!

Exercise. The body was meant to move! Stress relieving chemicals such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine are released during exercise. Sweating also helps the body naturally expel toxins.

Manage Emotions and Stress. Stressful situations cannot always be avoided, but how we respond to them is always our choice. Breathing and visualization exercises, meditation, and prayer can provide us with a calmer state of mind so that we can choose a more effective response to a stressful situation. Find something or someone to appreciate every day.

Stress is inevitably a part of life. However, reducing or eliminating chronic stress can boost our immune system, slow the aging process, and lengthen and improve the quality of our lives.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Simple Steps to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Simple Steps to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism and weight gain go hand in hand because when thyroid function is low, metabolism slows down as well. While not all people with hypothyroidism gain weight, it is very often one of the symptoms of the condition. Thyroid hormones not only play a significant role in metabolism, which in turn affects weight, but insufficient thyroid function can result in fluid retention, further contributing to weight gain. Another reason why hypothyroidism and weight gain are connected is that the condition usually causes fatigue and lethargy, which can result in a decrease in activity that contributes to weight gain.

Further, losing weight with hypothyroidism can be especially challenging if not done correctly because excessive dieting can lower metabolism even further. It is very important, therefore, to follow a healthy weight loss regimen if you are trying to lose weight with hypothyroidism.

A diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made using a simple blood test for thyroid hormones. If levels of the hormone T4 are low or if levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are high, the test is considered positive for hypothyroidism. However, even when blood levels of thyroid hormones fall within normal range, some practitioners still attribute symptoms like fatigue and weight gain to thyroid function, believing the symptoms may be caused by sub-clinical hypothyroidism (sometimes called "sluggish thyroid").

For several reasons, women are especially prone to hypothyroidism and weight gain, though the condition does exist in men as well. Women are more likely to diet, and when they do, they are more likely to "feast and then fast" too often. This yo-yo pattern of dieting interferes with metabolism, especially during perimenopause, the years leading up to menopause that are characterized by hormonal fluctuations.

Even women with regular menstrual cycles are subject to natural hormonal fluctuations that contribute to the challenge of losing weight with hypothyroidism. Further, women tend to internalize stress more than men, which can affect the function of both the adrenal gland and the thyroid gland.

The good news is that, even with the inherent challenges of losing weight with hypothyroidism, there are a number of things that can be done about hypothyroidism and weight gain.

How to Boost Your Metabolism?

Nutritional supplements, regular vigorous exercise and, a healthy eating plan can help regulate metabolism so that it will be easier to lose weight. For instance, since eating actually stimulates metabolism, people who want to lose weight with hypothyroidism may benefit from eating six small meals at regular intervals throughout the day. To learn more about supplements and foods that help you increase your metabolism and lose weight visit: hypothyroidism and weight gain []

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Simple and Effective Natural Cure for Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Simple and Effective Natural Cure for Hypothyroidism.

Are you suffering from hypothyroidism or have symptoms of abnormally low thyroid? If this is so, it is very important to get it cured as early as possible. If left untreated it can develop into a more serious problem.

Hypothyroidism is when the body produces very low-level of thyroid hormone by thyroid gland. This is a tiny gland situated at the base of the throat and is very important for regulating the production of thyroid hormone. This hormone is responsible for the functioning and maintenance of body energy level and also for metabolism.

Some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism include depression, weight gain,. Cold intolerance, abnormal menstrual cycle, low sex drive, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, memory loss, and muscle fatigue. Many factors are known to be responsible for hypothyroidism, notably iodine deficiency in the body, inflammation of thyroid gland, surgery and medication. The main cause is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland called Hashimoto's disease or Thyroiditis. With this disease, the antibodies target the thyroid gland and thereby prevent it from producing enough thyroid hormones needed for body metabolism.

If you are suffering from hypothyroidism and are looking for natural cures, there are certain herbs that can help you to control your thyroid to function normally. The following herbs are good sources of natural cure for hypothyroidism.

Kelp - this contain large quantities of iodine, an essential trace element needed by the thyroid gland to function properly.

Iceland moss - this is a natural source of iodine. If taken regularly it can help to cure hypothyroidism naturally.

Ashwagandha root - this is also known as India ginseng or winter cherry. It helps to stimulate thyroid gland to function properly.

Others include ginger, cayenne, bladder wrack and watercress. These are natural ingredients that can be used to cure hypothyroidism. These herbs are very easy to use and are readily available in form of tablets at major herbal stores.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Recurrent Miscarriage, Fertility Issues and Post Natal Depression - Find Out How to Address These

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Recurrent Miscarriage, Fertility Issues and Post Natal Depression - Find Out How to Address These.

Over the years I have discussed thyroid antibodies with patients and how it relates to their fertility. When suggested to some physicians that these should be tested due to various studies about thyroid antibodies and fertility issues, I have heard them say, "Not worth the time or money. If TSH is normal, then thyroid antibodies can't be elevated."

But now, to my pleasant surprise in the New York Times there was an article by a prominent doctor in the United States that has been studying the relationship of thyroid antibodies to fertility issues for years. Apparently he sees in a certain percentage of patients that the thyroid antibodies can be elevated with normal TSH and seem to be correlated to miscarriage as well. His conclusions have been the same conclusions in several studies around the world.

How they treat this issue in one study out of Italy, I believe, was with thyroid medication, i.e. thyroxine. This treatment changed the miscarriage rate of those with elevated thyroid antibodies to similar numbers seen in women who do not have thyroid antibodies. So a huge difference was made through this treatment.

However, its important to look at other reasons for elevated thyroid antibodies and address those to not only improve fertility but to optimize thyroid health for the future. If thyroid antibodies are present for a long period of time (i.e. if the body continues to make antibodies which attack the thyroid, a disease called Hashimotos) then the thyroid is likely to fail and need medical support for life or in some cases the thyroid is surgically removed. So if you can do things to avoid surgical removal and the failure of the thyroid why not atleast try.

Other areas that should be assessed and addressed along with or instead of utilizing thyroid hormones like thyroxine, are diet and adrenal health.

It is common for gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance i.e. Coeliac Disease to be associated with elevated thyroid antibodies. So if your antibodies are elevated, make sure you remove gluten from your diet.

It has also been demonstrated that adrenal insufficiency and thyroid antibodies are associated with one another. Your adrenals sit on top of your kidneys and help you respond to stress. But too much emotional and or physiological stress can take its toll on these endocrine glands. Therefore supporting and promoting optimal adrenal health with stress management, herbs and other nutritional supplements is extremely important in improving thyroid health, cardiovascular health and fertility as well as post partum health too.

If you haven't had them already, have the thyroid antibody tests (there are 2 or 3), TSH, FT4, and FT3 to assess thyroid function and a morning serum cortisol test to begin to assess adrenal function. If these levels are on the middle to bottom half of the normal range then further tests would be warranted OR if you are fine in the morning and exhausted by the middle of the day then further assessment of adrenals through saliva tests are also warranted.

Remember your cortisol levels are associated with your progesterone levels (this is true of thyroid hormones as well). Therefore even if you don't have elevated thyroid antibodies if your progesterone levels are not optimal or the lining of the uterus is thin, the thyroid and adrenals should be assessed and addressed if needed.

By improving the health of the thyroid (in both men and women) you can improve fertility, decrease the risk of postpartum depression and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long term. Sounds like a good plan to me.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Radioiodine Ablation For Thyroid Goiter 4 Treatment Options For Goiter

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Radioiodine Ablation For Thyroid Goiter 4 Treatment Options For Goiter.

A goiter is defined as a condition whereby the thyroid has become enlarged. Goiter in and of itself is not dangerous, and even when the thyroid is in an enlarged state it may be producing enough thyroid hormones (thyroxine & triiodothyronine) to meet the body's needs.

On the other hand, a goiter could result in your body producing too much or too little of these two important thyroid hormones, meaning that medical treatment may be called for.

An enlarged thyroid condition can be caused by a number of possible factors, including a lack of iodine in the diet, autoimmune diseases such as Grave's disease and Hashimoto's disease, cancer and others.

If you have been diagnosed with goiter by your doctor, you may have heard that radioiodine ablation for thyroid goiter is the way to cure your condition. Only your doctor can know for sure which treatment option is best, but here are 4 treatment options for goiter:

1. Wait-and-see:

In the case whereby your goiter is not very large and no thyroid hormone problems are detected, the wait-and-see approach may be best.

2. Synthetic thyroid:

For people with hypothyroidism, synthetic thyroid medications are available to supply the body with the thyroid hormones it needs to do its job. In some cases in patients with hypothyroidism due to goiter, synthetic thyroid medications can be given to the patient, potentially decreasing the size of the goiter.

3. Surgical removal:

Surgical removal, or ablation, of the enlarged thyroid gland is always an option. This total or partial thyroidectomy is recommended when the goiter has become so enlarged that it affects the patient's ability to swallow or breathe.

4. Radioactive iodine treatments:

Radioactive iodine treatment - also called radioiodine ablation - is recommended in some cases. It works by the patient taking the radioactive iodine orally. When this special iodine solution reaches the patient's bloodstream, it is absorbed by the thyroid - thereby destroying the thyroid cells. While this treatment often works as planned, destroying the thyroid gland, it can also result in an underactive thyroid. If this is indeed the result, then hormone replacement using synthetic hormone will be recommended.

These 4 treatment options are the most common to treat a goiter, including radioiodine ablation.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Promoting Good Thyroid Health

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Promoting Good Thyroid Health.

Maintaining good thyroid health is an extremely important issue these days, especially with so many new cases of hypothyroidism every year and the number continuously growing. The thyroid is an essential part of our bodies overall health and it can cause major complications if even a minor complication goes ignored or gets neglected. The reason why so many people develop thyroid problems has to do with either inflammation of the thyroid gland itself, or because a piece of the thyroid was removed (i.e as in a biopsy, etc.).

The inflammation of the thyroid gland which is most commonly caused by Hashimoto's syndrome, is brought on by the body's own immune system. Also, if one needs to have a biopsy of their thyroid gland taken or a piece removed due to suspected cancer, additional thyroid complications can result.

Promoting good thyroid health should be a very important aspect of every human's life. There are supplements out there that one can take, that help the thyroid function at it's optimum level such as Thyromin and Thyromine. These are supplements that most commonly come in capsule form and promote great thyroid health.

There are diet changes and lifestyle changes that most people can make that would also directly effect the condition and health of their thyroid, amongst other things.

It is up to each individual person to take action and make sure that their thyroid health is maintained and cared for properly. Taking action is perhaps the most important factor for many things in life, hence the saying "You can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket." If you don't maintain your thyroid health properly, you will be the one that suffers the consequences in the end. Thyroid health problems are becoming more and more common every day and there are many things one can do to promote good thyroid health.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Progesterone The Rodney Dangerfield of Hormones

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Progesterone The Rodney Dangerfield of Hormones.

Hormones control every system of the body. Knowledge of how hormones interact gives practitioners an important tool towards achieving wellness in their patients. Those people involved with bio-identical hormones, namely, compound pharmacists, physicians, and nurse practitioners, are already much aware of the importance of progesterone with regards to a woman's gynecological well-being.

However, there seems to be a lack of appreciation for the role progesterone plays in the area of men's health, as well as how progesterone can be utilized to benefit weight control in men, women and children. Please be aware that there are over 300 receptor sites throughout the body for progesterone. It is beyond the scope of this article to delineate all the potential benefits and actions of this hormone. Consider what I discuss here an introduction to the clinical benefits of this hormone.

Let me begin by stating a known fact - men and women have identical hormones. Although this fact seems obvious, it is commonly not appreciated. Progesterone is usually considered a "woman's" hormone, perhaps related to the fact that its role in the male body is never mentioned. Interestingly, I consider it the second most important hormone in men after testosterone.

One of the main roles progesterone plays in males, as well as females, is to control insulin production. Insulin is obviously an important hormone, but excess quantities can be very detrimental. It is the number one cause of obesity in this country, it is perhaps the number one cause of "essential" hypertension, it is the number one cause of type II diabetes and it is probably responsible for most of the complications of diabetes with regard to nerve and blood vessel damage, it raises cholesterol levels and is the number one hormone that speeds up the aging process. If you consider that progesterone is the number one hormone that helps keep insulin levels down you can immediately appreciate the tremendous therapeutic effect this hormone has with regard to treating weight problems, blood pressure problems, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, etc.

I do not consider progesterone alone to be the panacea for all these problems. But used in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches it provides the ability to enhance whatever approach is being utilized. For example, progesterone by itself is very effective for preventing an over-production of insulin. People who start on progesterone cream are very quick to note that they no longer get sleepy in the afternoon between 3PM and 4PM, and they don't get sleepy while driving or after eating. These are the classic times that insulin levels peak. However, progesterone cannot compete with a diet that is high in carbohydrate content - this situation produces an amount of insulin that overwhelms the ability of progesterone to control it. Utilizing certain bio-identical hormones can actually be considered the next step beyond Atkins to maintain weight control.

As men approach the age of 50, hormonal changes start becoming more evident. This is about the time that men stop producing progesterone; accordingly, they start developing weight around the midriff because their insulin levels are now higher. In concert with this drop in progesterone, their testosterone levels continue to drop and their estradiol levels start to rise.

After the menopause, whether surgical or natural, women continue to make estradiol. However, men's level of estradiol is commonly higher than women's after the age of 50. When looking at estradiol, keep in mind that it is a hormone that contributes to six different cancers in women - breast, cervical, vaginal, ovarian, uterine, and colon. It is the only known cause for cancer of the uterus (except for Tamoxifen). The prostate and the uterus embryologically are derived from the same tissue. Therefore, logically it would appear that estradiol is the probable cause of prostate cancer.

Progesterone very likely prevents every known cancer cause by estradiol. Since prostatic cancer mainly occurs in men at a time that their progesterone levels are low or non-existent and that their estradiol levels are high would it not seem logical that giving men natural, bio-identical progesterone cream might prevent prostate cancer?

A classic example of the importance of progesterone in men may be best exemplified by one of my patients who presented himself to me by saying, "Doc, if you don't help me, I'm going to commit suicide". He was 57 years old, obviously depressed, and also complained of severe hypoglycemia, asthma, and he had osteoporosis.

At the time of his visit he was taking a combination of liothyronine (Cytomel) 25mcg, Armour thyroid and Actonel. Review of previous records indicated that he had been on a variety of regimens for depression and asthma including Paxil, Serzone, Effexar, Singular, and Flonase. He had been on a constantly changing thyroid regimen for over 20 years.

Prior lab studies showed a persistently low T4 and usually elevated T3 levels. TSH levels were always around the 0.01 range. This latter fact exemplifies a classic error done by most doctors who evaluate thyroid studies. They consider a low TSH as an indication of too much thyroid being given. They are perhaps unaware that there are several different types of hypothyroidism. The most common is primary hypothyroidism where the thyroid itself is unable to produce enough thyroid. The most common cause of this is a result of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

However, there is also an entity called secondary hypothyroidism. This occurs when the pituitary fails to produce enough thyroid stimulating hormone and results in a hypofunctioning thyroid that is frequently misinterpreted as being hyperfunctioning.

In any event, the reams of old records he brought with him were virtually worthless. He told me that he had spent over $200,000 in the two years prior to his seeing me; he had been all over the country consulting with the "top" doctors in the most prestigious medical centers. In addition to their failing to figure out what was wrong with him, they neglected to realize he had adult ADHD, fibromyalgia, and restless leg syndrome.

Initial lab studies showed:

Free T4 0.8 [0.8-1.8] NG/DL

Free T3 816 [230-420] PG/DL


The proximal cause of all this man's problems was a deficiency of progesterone. When I told him this he was, of course, skeptical. But I was his last resort. I gave him a prescription for progesterone cream 100 mg/ ¼ tsp, at a dosage of ¼ tsp TID applied to the wrist/forearm area. I also prescribed T3 S/R 7.5 mcg BID along with levoxyl 0.125 mg. Three days after starting on this regimen he ran into my office and stated, "Doc, in my entire life I have never felt this good!"

Please note: The dosage of progesterone utilized for this patient is higher than the usual dose I would recommend for men. This is the dosage specifically utilized for those with ADHD and is continued until symptoms of hypoglycemia are gone. At that point I lower the dose to 100mg to 200mg/ day.

Over the years I've had the opportunity to have utilized progesterone in hundreds of men. I am very much aware of what this hormone is capable of achieving. Therefore, I was not surprised by the effect that it had on his particular patient. Much of his depression was related to the fact that he was internalizing anger. He was a type A personality, workaholic, successful, and had a short fuse. In other words, he produced a lot of adrenaline. He was a classic adult ADHD. On this basis alone I knew that progesterone would help him. In addition, progesterone affects many of the neurotransmitters in the brain, also helping to alleviate depression.

Progesterone helps to prevent hypoglycemia by preventing a rise in insulin. It has a powerful effect on asthma − partly because it breaks down into cortisone and also because it blocks estradiol, a known cause of asthma. His osteoporosis was also most likely related to a lack of progesterone; it is a hormone that both prevents osteoporosis as well as treats it.

Delineating all the benefits of progesterone for men is beyond the scope of this article. Suffice it to say a major benefit is related its ability to keep insulin levels down. This helps to prevent weight gain, lower blood pressure and prevent diabetes. This tendency to lower insulin leads to the elimination or helps to alleviate a number of conditions felt to be incurable by the medical community. This includes disorders such as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), restless leg syndrome, fibromyalgia, and type II diabetes. Of course these types of benefits relate to women as well as men.

In summary, this article provides a small overview of the potential of bio-identical progesterone for men, as well as the importance of progesterone in helping both men and women to control their weight. Please note that the benefits mentioned are based on utilization of progesterone in a transdermal form thereby allowing for its uptake by progesterone receptor sites.

You will notice at the end of this article there will be no references made to other articles in other journals or publications. The reason is that what I am writing is based on my own personal clinical observations. There is some intuition and logic involved, but primarily I rely on feedback I get from patients rather than relying on the dubious findings of "double-blind studies".

©2006. Dr. Michael E. Platt/All Rights Reserved. This article is copyrighted, but you have permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper copyright and credit line is included.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) - What Exhibits Low Thyroid Function to Causes PMS

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) - What Exhibits Low Thyroid Function to Causes PMS.

As we mentioned in previous article, premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years due to the acceptance of its as medical condition and caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference with daily activities as resulting of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome happens in one or two weeks before menstruation and then declining when the period starts. It is said the symptoms can be so severe that between 10-15% of women have to take time off work, costing businesses millions of dollars a year. In this article, we will discuss what exhibits hypothyroidism to causes PMS.

I. Definition

Hypothyroidism is either caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis as hypothyroidism or by a lack of the thyroid gland or a deficiency of hormones from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary.

II. What exhibit hypothyroidism to cause Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

1. Diet

Hypothyroidism can be caused by low levels of Iodine in the diet causing high levels of thyroid stimulating hormone resulting in swelling or hyperplasia of the thyroid gland.

2. Sporadic inheritance

Hypothyroidism can pass through from generation to generation caused by genetic defects including recessive, dominant and sporadic inheritance patterns.

3. Postpartum thyroiditis

Postpartum thyroids is a resulted of inflammation of thyroid gland as resulting of fluctuating thyroid function after childbirth for some women. This inflammation may significant damage to the thyroid and hence the hyperthyroid phase will be followed by the development of hypothyroidism.

4. Wolf-Chaikoff effects

Hyperthyroidism also can be caused temporarily intake of high amount of Iodine in treating hyperthyroidism.

6. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis

Also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, it is caused by malfunction of immune system resulting in the body own T cells attack the thyroid cells or a lack of the thyroid gland or hormones deficiency from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

People With Hashimotos! Dont Believe the Lies

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet People With Hashimotos! Dont Believe the Lies.

Please believe me when I say that most of the articles, blogs and testimonials on the Internet about Hashimoto's are basically spinning the same old, outdated information in a hundred ways. Most are riddled with misinformation and few provide any practical or educational value.

Here's one example from The Mayo Clinic's site. "In Hashimoto's disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, your immune system attacks your thyroid gland. The resulting inflammation often leads to an under active thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)."

Here is a trusted site using the word 'attacks' leading us to believe that once attacked this thyroid inflammation leads to an under active thyroid gland. Are we to believe that the cause of low thyroid hormones is due to thyroid inflammation which is due to thyroid antibody piranhas? Rubbish!


Hi, I'm Dr. Alexander Haskell. I'm a licensed physician in the state of Utah. I'd like to give you some straight answers to the most common questions and concerns I hear from my clients who have, or have had, Hashimoto's. These answers will challenge much of the information and lies that are being propagated over the Internet and by physicians.

Is it true that my antibodies are attacking and destroying my thyroid?

Think about it for a moment with a beginner's mind. Does this concept make any sense to you at all, that for some unexplainable reason our immune system is suddenly making antibodies that inflame, attack and destroy our thyroid? This theory is without any logical basis and creates fear and hopelessness in people, causing panic which only serves to make their condition worse.

No, your thyroid antibodies are not attacking your thyroid.

First of all it's important to understand what thyroid antibodies are. The two most common are called Thyroperoxidase (TPO) antibodies and Thyroglobulin (TGA) antibodies. The TPO is specific for the enzyme called Thyroperoxidase which is normally found within thyroid cells. The TGA is specific for the protein Thyroglobulin which is also normally found within thyroid cells. Please note the word 'within.'

So the 'thyroid antibodies are attacking our thyroid' proponents are saying that these antibodies are tearing apart the outer membrane of our thyroid cells in search of this enzyme and protein, as if they have eyes to see or some type of extra-sensory perception. Why would our immune system create an antibody that would seek and destroy this healthy enzyme or protein within our thyroid cell? It just isn't the case.

Our immune system would never attack and destroy healthy and vital cell tissue. It's job is to clean up debris and to remove damaged tissue.

This condition is called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis not because these antibodies are the cause of inflammation but because this inflammation which accompanies Hashimoto's actually existed long before Hashimoto's ever developed.

Then how does inflammation of the thyroid begin?

Thyroid cells have the ability to make hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) just like our white blood cells. This H2O2 within thyroid cells plays a very special role in the production of thyroid hormones by converting iodide into iodine.

Here's a tiny bit of thyroid physiology. When thyroid hormones production goes down one of our glands produces TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone which signals thyroid cells to make more H2O2 which in turn increases levels of iodine in order to increase thyroid hormone production.

This is very simple and straight-forward.

So if TSH continues to signal thyroid cells to make H2O2 over a long period of time, this H2O2 will irritate the thyroid causing inflammation.

Then if low thyroid hormone production causes increased TSH leading to thyroid inflammation, what causes low thyroid hormone production?

There are several things to consider but the most important one is insufficient iodide. If there isn't enough iodide then no matter how much the thyroid cell is stimulated by TSH, iodine levels will not increase and thyroid hormone production will decline. It's just that simple.

Then, really, a lack of iodide is the cause of thyroid inflammation?

It's likely the primary cause yet there are three other nutrients which thyroid cells require in addition to iodide to make its hormones and if any of these are deficient the result is the same, low thyroid hormone production. The other required nutrients are selenium, zinc, and iron.

And how does thyroid inflammation relate to Hashimoto's?

Any degree of inflammation will cause cells to age more rapidly. Ever seen the skin of someone with dermatitis? It's swollen, red, flaky, cracked and old looking.

Something similar happens to thyroid cells when they are inflamed. They age pre-maturely and become dry and cracked. They die an early death.

When this happens they split open and release their contents including their hormones along with the enzyme and protein mentioned before. And when Thyroperoxidase and Thyroglobulin spill into the surrounding tissues our immune system responds by producing respective antibodies. This is actually a healthy and normal reaction since this enzyme and protein are normally contained within thyroid cells.

There's something that's very important to understand here which also challenges the theory that thyroid antibodies are attacking the thyroid.

I've ordered close to a thousand blood tests and during the last 4 years I've been checking everyone for thyroid antibodies. What I've discovered is that every single person has thyroid antibodies. Isn't this remarkable that we all have these antibodies? And also the fact that medicine recognize that there are normal levels of these antibodies. So it's normal to have some thyroid antibodies.

What could be the possible explanation for this?

We all have thyroid antibodies because our thyroid cells are turning over, a few dying every day and releasing this enzyme and protein. The antibodies are there to clean up this debris.

It's just that when there is a faster turnover of thyroid cells, which happens with thyroid inflammation and Hashimoto's, the number of these antibodies increases and rises above what's considered the 'normal' limit.

Then what about those people and doctors who say there is no cure?

With almost every condition, if you know the origin or cause and address it, then the condition can be reversed to some degree. This is why I don't consider Hashimoto's to be a disease but rather a condition.

The approach to treating Hashimoto's then is the reduction of thyroid inflammation. This is the key.

And how do you do this?

You know that TSH is stimulating thyroid cells to increase their production of H2O2. So the first step must be to lower TSH and the only way that I know of doing this is through the use of a thyroid prescription. This prescription increases circulating thyroid hormones which leads to the reduction of TSH.

Then selenium and glutathione help to diminish or heal the irritating effects of the H2O2.

And just like the drying out of the skin with dermatitis a high quality oil is very helpful. I prefer the oils of hazelnut, sesame and apricot which are found in a great product from Biotics Research called Mixed EFAs.

So there is hope?

You bet there is. I've used this approach which is founded upon medical research and I've seen it work in the majority of cases. Sure, sometimes people's antibodies don't come all the way down to within the normal limits but even so, their antibodies do come down. Sometimes their thyroid has been inflamed for too long and there's been too much destruction.

Is there any other misinformation out there on the net about Hashimoto's?

Well, besides lowering inflammation you also need to nourish the thyroid with the nutrients it requires to make its hormones. You must also remove specific foods from your diet, improve the ecology of the gut, avoid iodine and iodide in the beginning and then reintroduce it when the antibodies are within range, and a few others.

So to answer your question, there are sites which promote a single approach such as some kind of miracle supplement. There is no such thing. These people are promoting something to sell and I wouldn't trust them.

There are others sites which are more medical and propose the typical, outdated approach of simply giving a thyroid prescription and a few supplements without really understanding the origin of Hashimoto's. Ask any physician to explain Hashimoto's and you won't get a straight answer.

The most important step in the treatment of Hashimoto's is education. Once you understand what Hashimoto's is and how it has developed you will then understand the need for taking specific actions.

Trust your instincts. When you hear the truth you know it. If someone is explaining their treatment approach and you get confused and don't understand what they are saying, keep on searching.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Panic Attacks Information That is Important to Know

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Panic Attacks Information That is Important to Know.

Are panic attacks affecting you or someone you know? The odds are yes, and there's probably a lot you don't know about the incidence and seriousness of this condition. They are not just annoying and transient events, but a serious illness that affects millions of people and costs millions of dollars in medical treatment and lost productivity.

Did you know:

· Panic attacks strike approximately 10 percent of the population, or 2.4 million Americans each year.

· This condition affects twice as many women as men. Low estrogen levels have been linked to panic attacks in women.

· Lack of assertiveness is common personality trait in people who suffer these attacks. A passive style of communicating and interacting with others is often noted in panic attack sufferers and may even contribute to the development or onset of the disorder.

· These attacks can run in families, indicating that there may be a hereditary factor involved in susceptibility to this disorder. Studies of identical twins show a wide variance, however. If one twin has an anxiety disorder, the incidence of occurrence in the other twin was found to vary from 31 percent to 88 percent in different studies.

· Brain chemistry imbalances are also believed to cause these attacks. Research studies have shown that some panic disorder patients lack an emotion-regulating protein in the brain.

· Panic disorder often start to occur in the late teens or early adult years.

· The attacks can be triggered major life stresses, such as the loss of a spouse or loved one or other significant life changes.

· Coffee, exercise, and medications can sometimes trigger these attacks. A diet too high in refined sugar can also induce attacks in people with a tendency to them.

· This condition is one of the most treatable mental disorders, but as many as 75 percent of panic attack sufferers are not properly diagnosed and fail to receive appropriate treatment, according to one research study.

· Untreated this condition can lead to other serious problems, including other anxiety illnesses such as phobias, alcohol and drug dependency, depression and suicide. It can interfere with the ability to carry out normal daily functions and lead to loss of employment, financial losses, and increased medical costs.

· These attacks are not fatal. However, the fear that they are experiencing a heart attack is one of the most commonly cited symptoms among panic attack victims. The racing pulse and smothering, choking feeling cause by shortness of breath lead many first-time sufferers to the emergency room and their doctors. This can be a wise precaution, in fact, because there are some underlying cardiac conditions that can trigger the attacks.

· The attacks can also be caused or triggered by a number of other illnesses. Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis and mitral valve prolapse can cause this condition. Nocturnal panic attacks can be a symptom of sleep apnea.

· Agoraphobia is actually an offshoot or consequence of panic attacks. If a person has experienced panic attacks in public places, he or she may develop a fear of going out into public.

· Although breathing into a paper bag to regain control and stop hyperventilation is frequently recommended as a strategy for derailing an active attack, it can actually be dangerous and make the attack worse.

· Most medical insurance plans will pay for the cost of treatment for this condition and other anxiety disorders.

Panic attacks are not a trivial disorder, nor are they hopeless. If you or someone you know is experiencing panic attacks, reach out for assistance. Learn as much as you can, and don't be afraid to seek the help you need.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Nutrition for Hypothyroidism Top Foods to Eat and Avoid

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Nutrition for Hypothyroidism Top Foods to Eat and Avoid.

If you've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, your thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormones. The result is that your many of your body functions slow down, leading to feelings of lethargy, fatigue and depression, and symptoms like dry skin, weight gain, sensitivity to cold temperatures and memory problems.

Restoring your thyroid health is a complex matter, one best undertaken with the guidance of a knowledgeable health care practitioner who can address the myriad of factors that caused your thyroid to become unbalanced. This involves a variety of treatment approaches, but no treatment program is complete without attention to proper nutrition.

As with all parts of your body, your thyroid depends on vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from the foods you eat and uses those nutrients to function properly. So while not necessarily a cure or a quick-fix, the foods you eat can and do influence your thyroid health.

What Foods Should You Eat for Thyroid Health?

A diet based on a wide variety of fresh, whole foods, like healthy sources of protein and veggies, will best promote healing and optimal health -- but you can further tailor your diet to for optimum thyroid health by also including:

1. Brazil Nuts

Just one ounce of Brazil nuts provides 780% of the recommended daily value for selenium,[1] a powerful antioxidant that not only fights cellular damage from free radicals but also is necessary for the formation of triiodothyronine (T3) thyroid hormone. Selenium also helps to regulate thyroid function.

Brazil nuts are a particularly concentrated source of selenium, but they are far from the only one. You can also find selenium in tuna, shrimp, beef and crimini mushrooms.

2. Sea Vegetables

Sea vegetables (seaweed) include popular varieties like nori, kelp, kombu, wakame, and dulse. In the United States seaweed is probably most known for its use in making sushi rolls, but it's also used in soups and salads and is available in dried, snackable form.

What makes sea vegetables so nutritionally valuable is their wide range of minerals, picked up from the ocean water in which they grow. Among them is iodine, which your thyroid needs to produce both T3 and thyroxine (T4) thyroid hormones.

In the United States iodine deficiency is nota major cause of hypothyroidism, and in many cases treating the condition with supplemental iodine is a major health disaster -- but including sea vegetables in your diet is a safe and natural way to be sure you have plenty of iodine for proper thyroid function.

Because seaweed can easily pick up pollutants from ocean waters (just as it absorbs minerals), be sure the sea vegetables you buy come from clean, non-polluted waters far from shipping ports and industry.

3. Fish and Fish Oil

Fish is a rich source of the omega-3 fats EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which experts believe are essential for thyroid function, even helping cells to become more sensitive to thyroid hormone.[2] Omega-3 fats also have anti-inflammatory effects, which may be beneficial for autoimmune thyroid disease, which typically is associated with inflammation.

As with seaweed, because fish can accumulate toxins from their environment it's important to choose wild-caught fish from unpolluted waters or, alternatively, purified fish oil supplements to get your omega-3 fats.

4. Red Meat and Oysters

Some people with hypothyroidism are at increased risk for iron deficiency, so consuming a variety of iron-rich foods, like beef, can be helpful. Other healthy sources of iron include clams, oysters, dark-meat turkey, lentils, Swiss chard and spinach.

Red meat and oysters are also excellent sources of zinc, which is essential for proper thyroid hormone metabolism.[3] If you're deficient in zinc it could result in decreased thyroid hormone levels.

Are There Foods That Should be Avoided for Thyroid Health?

There is a wide-ranging category of foods known as goitrogens, which can interfere with your thyroid function. When eaten in excess, certain substances in goitrogenic foods can suppress normal thyroid function and promote formation of goiter (enlarged thyroid).

Not all goitrogens need to be avoided, however, the following two categories do:

1. Soy

Soy foods contain high levels of isoflavones, which are goitrogens. Evidence suggests that consuming large amounts of soy foods, including soy milk, tofu, soy burgers, soy dairy products, etc., may generate thyroid abnormalities, including goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis.[4]

Soy infant formula appears to be particularly dangerous to infants' thyroid health and has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.[5]

2. Gluten

Gluten, found in grains like wheat, rye, barley and oats (and also in most processed foods), is also a potential goitrogen that may trigger Hashimoto's disease, the leading cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.

In fact, a significant number of people with Hashimoto's disease also have celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that causes damage to the small intestine, and poor nutrient absorption, anytime gluten-containing grains are consumed.[6] The disease, also known as gluten intolerance, has also been found to trigger the creation of thyroid antibodies that may be responsible for Hashimoto's autoimmune response.

Another category of goitrogenic foods is the cruciferous family of vegetables, which includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and others. These veggies can act as goitrogens, especially when consumed raw and in large quantities, but they are loaded with so many healthy nutrients and phytochemicals that avoiding them is NOT recommended. The health benefits you can gain from eating cruciferous veggies will generally outweigh any thyroid risks, however if you're concerned you can reduce their goitrogenic effect by steaming them before eating.

Again, the best "diet" for thyroid health is to eat a wide variety of fresh, whole foods, including plenty of healthy meats, eggs, fish and vegetables, and little to no processed or refined foods. By providing your body with the proper nourishment, you are giving all of your body's systems the best chance to function optimally, and that includes the optimal functioning of your thyroid gland.


1. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements, Selenium

2. "Fats That Heal: Fats That Kill" May 2002

3. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2007;51:188-194

4. Environmental Health Perspectives 2002 Jun;110 Suppl 3:349-53.

5. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 1990 Apr;9(2):164-7.

6. European Journal of Endocrinology, Vol 146, Issue 4, 479-483

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Negative And Dangerous Side Effects of Excess Blood Sugar

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Negative And Dangerous Side Effects of Excess Blood Sugar.

In medical sense, sugar is the amount of glucose that present in the blood. The body of a human normally maintains the level of blood glucose as a part of metabolic homeostasis, and it is the primary source of energy as well. Sugar is not a physiological disorder because it is a part of human organ system. However, it is okay when it is on its normal level, but if the level goes up then many physiological disorders can appear. Excess amount of blood sugar makes the ground for appearing several severe health disorders. According to medical science, high blood sugar shows the way to come numerous negative side effects and these are as follows.

Advanced Glycation End-product (AGEs)

Advanced Glycation End-products are the outcome of a chemical reactions chain later than a preliminary glycation reaction. According to the medical professionals, two factors mainly take major part in case of Advanced Glycation End products.

The first one is food that we take regularly the first source is the food we eat. If there is high sugar in your food, then it can it may appear. Another source is metabolism through which the carbohydrates are absorbed to affect your blood sugar levels. Nearly all of your blood sugar provides energy that your body requires to perform accurately. Nevertheless, a little amount of your blood sugar is glycated to form the Advanced Glycation End-products. In addition, simple sugars like galactose and fructose go through glycation nearly ten times a higher than the glucose.

Several severe diseases could appear owing to the Advanced Glycation End-products. The diseases are like the Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Heart disease, Type-II diabetes, Atherosclerosis, High blood pressure, Kidney disorders, Visual impairment, Stroke, Skin disorders.

Depress Immune System

Excess sugar can damage a person's proper immune system, and we all know that devoid of proper immune system a person will be feeble by attacks of many diseases. An active immune system provides fighting power to the organic system to defeat the diseases.

According to medical experts, blood needs vitamin C to maintain a proper immune system. However, if there is excessive sugar in the blood, then there certainly could be a trouble. As the vitamin C and glucose possess same chemical structure, so they fight with each other for entering the blood cells. If there were low sugar, then there would be no trouble, as vitamin C will get the maximum chance to enter into the blood cells. However, if the sugar level is high, then the glucose will have the most cells. In this way, the immune system will be affected, and it will surely be depressed.

If the immune system becomes out of order or feeble, then many serious diseases will surely attack the body. So, in this way excessive sugar in blood can depress the immune system.

Autoimmune diseases

Sugar makes worse autoimmune conditions like asthma, arthritis, and various scleroses. The autoimmune diseases are distinguished by the resistant capability by the own tissues of body. Autoimmune disorders possibly will cause immune responsive cells to show aggression at the inside layer of the joints that is resulting in trigger immune cells or rheumatoid arthritis to attack the insulin making cells of pancreas, and it is known as the islet cells.

An active immune system identifies first, and then attacks, and damages viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and cells cancer or any health destructive agents those are not generally present in the body. An inactive immune system cannot do these all the necessary tasks. Severe diseases like the pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Sjogren's syndrome, and other many more. Allergies and several scleroses are the result of autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the excessive amount of sugar takes a vital part in the autoimmune diseases.

Dental Problems

A human mouth normally includes several kinds of bacteria that attack the tooth. When a person has excessive sugar in blood, the bacteria and germs become more active. The affects on tooth depend upon the amount of the blood sugar a person has in his body. The chances of dental problem depend on how much a person has blood sugar. In normal cases, means when a person is not having high sugar in blood, he or she can be easily cured by removing the affected teeth. However, high sugar patients never can follow such procedure. According to doctors, such course of action will be more harmful for the patients who have excessive sugar in the blood. Moreover, such problem ca eventually turns into malignant or cancer.

Cardiovascular disease

It is well known to all that the sugar is needed in blood, but when it rises over its normal level, several health disorders appear there. The cardio vascular disease is one of those disorders. If a person already has any cardio vascular disease then it could be very dangerous if the person has high blood sugar also. Sugar will help the disease to spread out and react more. If a person does not have any cardio vascular problem then he or she will have a great chance to get it if already carries excess sugar in blood. It mail attacks at the heart, veins, and arteries that provide oxygen to imperative life-sustaining organs of the body such as the heart, brain, and further crucial organs.

Therefore, such kind of disorder can bring in many dangerous diseases to one's body. Finally, the heart or brain may be affected, and so the death may be its horrible result.

Heart Disease

As previously mentioned, excessive sugar in blood can attack at the various part of the cardio vascular system and heart is one of the most important organs of cardio vascular system. If a person has excessive blood sugar, then it can attack any part of cardio vascular system and eventually the heart will be affected. For example, if the sugar attacks veins or arteries, then normally they will stop work, and the hear will not able to keep communication, so it will stop work as well. Thus, the excess sugar can be the cause of severe heart attack.

Faster aging skin

You may come across a fact that the chocolate can damage anyone's skin. However, the chocolate itself is not intrinsically awful for skin, but there possibly will a bit of truth as chocolate comes with excess sugar. It may truly move ahead the aging of a skin, by making the face more wrinkled and less young.

High level of sugar in blood damages the freshness of the skin. Not only, it damages the freshness, but it makes many wrinkles on the face as well. In such case, an affected person look more aged.


The level of sugar in blood is measured according to the presence of glucose in the blood. The glucose is produced as soon as we absorb or digest starchy foods like rice, potatoes, bread and sweet items together with chocolate and sugar. Another source of glucose is liver, as it is also produced there.

There is a hormone that is identified as Insulin, and it carries glucose throughout the bogy cells, where it is made use to make energy. The sugar diabetes patients may have short of insulin, or cannot utilize it, as it should be. It signifies that the excess amount of glucose in the blood carries the symptoms of sugar diabetes.

There are mainly two categories of diabetes, e.g. type 1 and type 2. In case of Diabetes type 1, the body is not capable to make insulin by any means while in case of Diabetes type 2, the body creates excessively small amount of insulin, or may not utilize what it produces efficiently. These both kinds of diabetes show their results in different ways.

High blood pressure

In order to function accurately the glucose is required by the brain. In view of that, it is always suggested not to stay away from glucose completely. However, it is needed to keep away from the sources of glucose. The eating habit of sugar-rich foods, sweets or candy, soft drinks reaches the intestinal tract instantaneously. Then, it causes an immediate reaction for the pancreas to make insulin.

In accordance with the medical experts, too much insulin production takes part in the occurrence of high pressure in blood that is known as high blood pressure. Therefore, the intake of sugar or such kind of food items produces more insulin in body, and it is the major cause of high blood pressure. In view of that fact, it must be mentioned that the sugar is the main source of having high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can take part in several parts of foremost organs like the heart, kidney, vessels, and fetus. It could be very dangerous during the pregnancy time as well.

Yeast Infection

Sugar and yeast infection are too closely related. Sugar and further sugar containing food items are measured to be the major cause of yeast infection. Yeast infection takes place because of excess development of yeast, which is identified as the candida albicans. In fact, the yeast lives in the body in little quantity by default. On the other hand, a number of definite conditions activate the excess growth of the yeast that shows the way to an infection. Such specific infection takes place due to microorganism increases on sugar and further sweet food items, because sugar is one of the major causes of the disorder.

If you are taking high sugar diet, then you must need to deal with such a difficulty. Not only, the sweet food items, but also the over utilization of carbohydrates harm the body similarly. In view of that, you need to stop intake of sweet or carbohydrate containing foods.

Poor Eyesight

People with high level of sugar may have a higher chance of eye problems. However, it never can be sated firmly that a person will have a poor eyesight if he has excess blood sugar. The ADA, which is renowned as the American Diabetic Association, expressed that a good number people with sugar have a bit of chance to have poor eyesight. However, it is recommended to those people who have high sugar, should keep touch with regular eye checkup, as it can become severe any time.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Having excess sugar in the blood possibly will show many health disorders, and gastrointestinal disorder is one of those. Gastrointestinal or the GI track takes vital part in our food absorption, and everyone now knows it. If the foods which we normally intake does not digested properly, then there certainly would be problem in metabolism. Otherwise, excess sugar in blood also affects numerous parts of a human body, and these are very important organs like stomach, duodenum, and pancreas.

Leptin Resistance

Leptin is a most important hormone control the fat mass in case of the vertebrates. The fat tissue makes the leptin to come out and its blood levels are relative to fat mass. So, there will be more fat if there is more secretion of leptin.

As soon as sugar metabolizes in the fat cells, at that time, they make surge from the leptin, and it is found that the sugar take vital part in cases of producing the leptin resistance. Everyone needs to stop taking sugar containing food items to control the right proportion of the leptin in body.


There is no doubt that excessive sugar in blood will certainly be the cause of numerous difficulties or health disorders. Those all disorders of health even could be a cause of death of human. Therefore, it is suggested to all people to take care of their daily food items and go through the doctors' suggestion to keep always away from high level of sugar in blood.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.