Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Foods That Help Hypothyroidism

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Foods That Help Hypothyroidism.

This article will discuss foods that help Hypothyroidism so that you may include them in your daily diet. I'll also explain some of the things that can cause Hypothyroidism and what Hypothyroidism actually is. Always check with your doctor or health care provider before making any changes to your diet.

The Thyroid gland is a small gland located in the front of the neck just below the voice box. It is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body and it produces hormones which regulate growth and metabolism.

When the Thyroid gland doesn't produce enough Thyroid hormones our bodies start to slow down and we may feel tired and cold and have achy muscles and usually a whole lot more ailments and complaints and we call this condition Hypothyroidism.

There are many causes of Hypothyroidism and they are usually caused by some kind of toxic overload in the body but not always. Sometimes the body's own immune system attacks the Thyroid gland which is the case in Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Fortunately there is something you can do to help you body out and that is by eating foods which will help to clear the body of toxins and provide nourishment to the body and the Thyroid gland.

Foods rich in Iodine are most beneficial for people suffering from hypothyroidism with Seaweed being the best source of food based Iodine. Brazil nuts are also good for Hypothyroidism as they contain a good amount of Selenium which is utilised in the production of Thyroid hormones.

Vegetables from the Brassica family such as Cabbage, Sprouts and Kale should be consumed in lower quantities as they contain compounds which can disrupt the function of the Thyroid gland if taken in large amounts. If possible try to eat organic fruit and vegetables and always wash thoroughly non organic produce. I hope you have found my article on foods that help Hypothyroidism helpful and it helps you on your path to regain your health.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.