Sunday, April 29, 2012

Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance in Women - Part 1

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Symptoms of Thyroid Imbalance in Women - Part 1.

Symptoms of thyroid hormone imbalance in women affect millions every year. These symptoms may continue despite the fact that you are taking thyroid hormones and your blood tests may show normal results. Most cases of hypothyroidism are often mis-diagnosed and mis-managed.

Thyroid hormone imbalance symptoms can be any one or more of the following:


Weight gain despite adhering to a low calorie diet

Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses


Hair loss or hair falls out easily


Over-sensitivity to cold weather

Poor circulation and numbness in hands and feet

Slow wound healing

Excessive amounts of sleep required to function properly

Chronic digestive problems

Itchy-Dry skin

Facial swelling (edema)

Increased susceptibility to colds and other viral or bacterial infections

Why Are You Still Having Thyroid Symptoms Even Though You Test Normal?

Symptoms of thyroid hormone imbalance, particularly hypothyroidism, can have about twenty-two different possible causes. The problem is, only about two of those causes respond to thyroid medication.

Another issue is that most doctors are only measuring TSH and are prescribing your medication completely based upon that measurement. If the TSH level is high, most physicicans assume that the thyroid isn't doing its job, and the solution is thyroid medication. If the TSH level is low, the solution is - guess what? Thyroid medication.

No Wonder I Am Still Sick All of the Time...

This is based on a diagnostic and treatment protocol developed forty to fifty years ago. Measuring TSH alone or even T4 (total) does not tell you whether the you have proper pituitary function, whether all the other thyroid hormones are working normally throughout the body, or whether an autoimmune disorder is the culprit.

All of your other related symptoms like those listed above are being treated by a multitude of other prescribed drugs.

Hypothyroidism is not a one-size fits all diagnosis. In fact, in the United States, over 80% of patients diagnosed with hypothyroidism have an auto-immune condition called .

So, if you are still suffering, you need a doctor that reads the latest research and understands how to manage hormone and immune disorders, knows what tests to order, and understands the latest non-drug treatments.

Stay tuned for Part Two: What Is My Thyroid Imbalance Doing to My Brain?

Copyright 2010 - Dr. Jason L. Pickel.

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.