Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Hypothyroidism and Weight.
As you probably already know, the most common symptom of hypothyroidism is weight gain.
So, if your thyroid is running at half speed, how can you lose weight with hypothyroidism?
Well, aside from the obvious recommendations of diet and exercise, you need to get the right treatment. And getting the right treatment is not an easy task.
First of all, before you can get the right treatment you need the right physician.
How do you find THE best doctor?
By asking the right questions...
1. What test(s) do you run to determine hypothyroidism?
If the doctor just runs a TSH test, move on and keep looking for a doctor.
2. Do you use a pathological or functional reference range to compare test results?
Make sure the doctor uses a functional reference guide.
3. How often will you test my thyroid if I need medication?
If the doctor doesn't initially run a monthly thyroid panel, move on.
4. What are my treatment options if I have hypothyroidism?
Some people will respond better to some medications than others, so ask about medication options. If there is only one type of medication they use - look for another doctor.
5. How many types of thyroid problems are there?
If he or she mentions there is only hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism - move on.
6. Can you tell me what caused my hypothyroidism?
If the doctor tells you there is no way of knowing what caused your hypothyroidism - run! If they can't figure out what caused it, they will not be able to treat it successfully.
7. Will you run an antibody test on my thyroid?
If your doctor won't run a thyroid antibody test, find another doctor because most forms of hypothyroidism are Hashimoto's and this is determined through a thyroid antibody test.
8. How do you treat the immune system?
The number one cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's, which is an immune system problem. If you have Hashimoto's, you will need to address your immune system. If your doctor doesn't do this, you will need one that will.
9. Will eating a certain way make my condition better or worse?
If the doctor suggests your diet has no controlling factor of how you feel, find a good nutritionist.
10. Can you tell me some success stories about your patients?
If they don't have much to say or they are not specific and mention names or references chances are they might not have too much success with your condition.
Once you think you have the best doctor the experiment begins...
It's an experiment because your biochemistry is different from others. Therefore, your body can react differently to the same medication and dosage.
Here's the bottom line...
Years ago before testing was available, doctors determined if treatment was working by what their patients told them.
Today, doctors are armed with sophisticated testing, yet the best evidence to determining if treatment is working is your testimonial.
This is why it is so important that you are aware of how you're feeling. One of the last symptoms to improve with hypothyroidism is weight.
However, there are many symptoms of hypothyroidism that will subtly change with the right treatment. So, you need to pay close attention to how you feel day in and day out.
Here's your homework...
List all symptoms that were bothering you before treatment and make note of them and grade them. Then, during treatment, grade your symptoms and determine if you are getting better.
This won't happen overnight, but you should start to feel better within a few weeks. If you see no improvement, let your doctor know and demand changes whether it be a different medication or a higher dosage.
If your doctor doesn't agree with you or refuses to make changes, then you need to find another doctor that will LISTEN.
Your weight and hypothyroidism go hand in hand. And if you focus on your weight, it will drive you nuts. You will only get more frustrated if dieting and exercise haven't moved the number on the scale.
It's better to determine if your other symptoms are getting better first.
The important thing to remember is, if you get the right treatment, you will start to feel better. And when you feel better, it will be much easier to address your weight and hypothyroidism.
Once you have found the right treatment, then it's time to move on to diet and exercise.
Of course, the best diet for hypothyroidism is The Hypothyroid Diet. Inside the book there is an exercise program.
hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.