Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Graciously Gray - Going Gray Got You Down.
Why We Go Gray
Before diving into "the slow down" process, you need to understand why hair grays to begin with.
In reality, everyone's hair is white but gets its color from a pigment known as melanin which resides in the middle layer of the hair shaft, the cortex. Melanin begins to form in our follicles prior to birth. While the hair forms, melanocytes spread melanin into cells that contain keratin, the protein that our hair, skin and nails are made of. Even after birth, melanocytes continually pump these cells full of melanin, giving keratin proteins color. In the end, hair color depends on the amount, type and circulation of melanin in the cortex. On the other hand, gray hair is the result of pigment reduction while white hair simply has no pigment at all. Why this pigment reduction comes about remains a mystery but many scientists and holistic practitioners continue to study underlying causes.
More Hair Raising Facts:
• The average scalp has 100,000 -150,000 hairs.
• Hair is so strong that each hair can withstand the strain of 100 grams (3.5 ounces). An average head of hair could hold 10-15 tons if only the scalp was strong enough!
• Human hair grows autonomously, that is each hair is on its own individual cycle. If all our hair were on the same cycle, we would molt!
• Hair has the highest rate of mitosis (cell division). An average hair grows 0.3 mm a day and 1 cm per month.
Reference: Clinical Dermatology. 4th ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby; 2004:844-845.
What the Scientists Say
According to Dr. Desmond Tobin, a professor of cell biology at the University of Bradford in England, each hair follicle has a "melanogentic clock" that ticks throughout our lives. As the ticking wears on, melanocyte movement declines thus, slowly decreasing the amount of melanin infused in hair. The rate at which this occurs varies from person to person although, it's been said that, chances of turning gray increase by 10 - 20% each decade... for everyone.
In another related theory that became public in February 2005, Harvard scientists claimed that absolute failure of melanocytes may cause graying hair. They stated that when melanocytes cease function and fail to uphold their duties, it may also end the same signals that manufacture hair color in the body.
The latest scientific breakthrough revolves around the enzyme catalase. This enzyme is found in all living organisms. Catalase helps organisms turn hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Yes, the same hydrogen peroxide found in hair shafts.
According to a recent CBS News report, human hair eventually begins to "bleach itself from the inside out." This begins when catalase levels decrease and hydrogen peroxide, which naturally occurs in our hair, cannot be broken down properly. Hydrogen peroxide then begins to build up, making hair turn gray.
Karin Schallreuter, yet another professional from England's University of Bradley (a clinical and experimental dermatology professor to be exact), stated in the report that finding out ways to stop this break down could be the key to preventing gray hair in humans. Score!
No matter what idea any one scientist, doctor, or professor may believe, most can agree on some comment internal and external factors that, without a doubt, have a hand in enabling graying to begin (see side bar for factors).
Factors That Contribute To Going Gray
• Genetic defects
• Hormones
• Body distribution
• Age
• Climate
• Pollutants
• Toxins
• Chemical exposure
Holistic Medicine Begs to Differ
While the scientific approach to reasoning why we humans ultimately go gray are intriguing, as always, they butt heads with what holistic practitioners suggest. Although, admittedly, there is no scientific evidence that puts truth to any herbal approach, the proof may be in the pudding when it comes to steadfast ancient tradition that has been practiced for years.
Ancient holistic medicine practices, such as Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, believe that there is always a root cause to outlying problems and prematurely gray hair is no exception. In these traditions, it is believed that graying may be caused by underlying illnesses such as vitiligo, anemia, chronic vitamin B deficiency, thyroid imbalance, alopecia areata, and excessive stress to name a few.
Side Bar:
Treat These Conditions and start to Kiss Grays Goodbye
• Thyroid disorders. Conditions such as Grave's disease, Hashimoto's disease, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism have been linked with premature gray hair.
• Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. It can be due to a diet low in vitamin B12, which is found mainly in meat, eggs, and milk. It can also occur if the stomach can't absorb vitamin B12, due to surgery involving the stomach or small intestine (such as gastric bypass surgery), diseases that affect the small intestine, such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, fish tapeworms, or small intestine bacterial overgrowth, or a lack of protein called intrinsic factor due to an autoimmune reaction or a genetic defect.
• Vitiligo. A condition in which your skin loses melanocytes, resulting in very light patches of skin and possibly premature gray hair.
• Early menopause
• Smoking. Cigarette smoking has been linked to premature gray hair.
TCM takes it even further by suggesting that our hair, gray or not, reflects the strength of our kidneys and the quality of our blood. By treating these conditions, you may be able to reverse gray hair - at least for a little while.
Support For Kidneys:
Food For Thought: Strengthening our kidneys and blood can also strengthen our hair. Use these natural aids to help do just that.
* Hijiki seaweed
* Blackstrap molasses
* Black sesame seeds
* Nettles
* Wheat grass
* Chlorophyll
However, both sides - scientific and holistic -- do agree that genetics play the biggest role in this arena. Thus, if you are genetically predisposed to gray hair, there is very little you can do to stop it, aside from covering your grays.
Nature to the Rescue!
As you can see, taking care of your hair is not as easy as lather, rinse, repeat. Filling your head with chemicals, literally, isn't the answer either. If you want to avoid going prematurely gray, there is much more to it than that.
While TCM suggests avoiding too much meat, dairy and salt and eating foods, such as seaweed, that strengthen the blood and kidneys (see sidebar), there are many vegan foods that also help. And as many parents can attest, stress seems to be an obvious factor when it comes to gray hair; a problem that a vegan diet filled with B9 vitamin, such as grains, nuts, and leafy veggies, can help reduce.
Other herbal remedies like the famous He Shou Wu herb, also called Polygonum multiflorum or Fo-Ti are equally great aids in the race against grays. The name of this particular product - He Shou Wu -- hails from the Chinese language and means black-haired Mr. He." Its legend talks of an elderly villager called Mr. He who took the herb regularly. The herb restored Mr. He's black hair, youthful appearance, and vitality. To us, Mr. He sounds like mystery; but a viable option, nonetheless.
Still, it can be just as dangerous to stock up on herbal supplements, vitamins, and other natural remedies as it is to ingest chemical ones. Be sure to check in with your health practitioner - holistic or otherwise - if you plan to use one of these methods.
Clogged Pores by Your Shampoo?
As for that lather, rinse, repeat bit, it is also important to avoid chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). SLS is rampant in many hair products and has actually been shown to weaken hair follicles. SLS, along with many other chemicals, have been shown to decrease normal hair re-growth from three to 24 months resulting in a look that suggests hair loss, even though it is nothing more than a prolonged "sleep" stage in the hair growth cycle. Using natural or organic shampoos (which are always sulfate free) is the best way to go for a health scalp and follicles.
Universally Speaking
Amidst all the back and forth on graying, what can be agreed upon is that universal "gray" factors like genetics and hormones. These can easily be seen when a new mother turns gray shortly after giving birth or when an entire lineage of women is gray by 40.
It can also easily be said that a diet rich in minerals, B vitamins, grains, nuts, and leafy greens is also important to hair health. To that end, avoiding bodily contaminants like cigarette smoke, excessive chemicals (yes, chemical color addicts, this means you!), and environmental pollutants as much as possible.
You don't need to be a holistic guru or a rocket scientist to see that following a simple diet, avoiding unnecessary toxins, and leading an overall healthy life will lead to equally hearty hair and a "gray-free" life. Well... until those pesky genetics kick in anyway!
hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.