Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Know the Hypothyroidism Symptoms and Call Your Physician Right Away.
Hormonal problems are not only limited to having diabetes or reproductive hormones. Among the man other hormonal problems, hypothyroidism is one of them. Hypothyroidism occurs when the level of thyroid hormones are below the normal level. As a result, the body's metabolism is altered and slowed down. Sometimes, people don't know that they have hypothyroidism unless they experience the hypothyroidism symptoms in the later stage of the condition.
Experts classify the two causes of this problem. First is when the thyroid gland is accidentally removed when a person undergoes surgery or when a person has cancer and the treatment includes removing the thyroid gland. The other cause is due to the inflammation on thyroid area. Due to the infection, a huge number of thyroid cells are removed and the ability to regenerate thyroid cells is altered causing hypothyroidism. Also, an autoimmune problem which is called the Hashimoto's thyroiditis can also happen but chances are smaller.
Hypothyroidism symptoms and its sign can be mistaken for another problem because of the symptom it displays. This includes fatigue or body weakness. Also the skin of the patient is dry and even the hair is coarse and falls off easily. Hair loss is possible as well as neurologic problems like depression, irritability and even memory loss. One of the most noticeable hypothyroidism symptoms is its cold intolerance. They cannot live in extremely low temperature because they cannot sustain it. Also, patients with hypothyroidism appear to be fat now matter how they try dieting. This is because the metabolism is slowed down. So whatever food is eaten, it cannot be digested right away. Part of the hypothyroidism symptoms is muscle cramps and aches. Sexual drive is lessened and noticeable irritability happens.
When these symptoms are felt, it is important to consult the endocrinologist and not an ordinary internal medicine physician. Endocrinologist will then take series of test and as for the patient's history in order to properly diagnose the problem. Amongst the Hypothyroidism symptoms, some of these can be felt while others only the remarkable signs like weight gain and cold intolerance can manifest. Either way, the physician tries their best to get to the cause and diagnose the problem.
Once the hypothyroidism is diagnosed, there are several kinds of treatment available to each age group. For infants or children for example, doctors will give T4 or levothyroxine treatment to avoid further complications. There is also treatment specific for older people as well as pregnant women which include lifelong supplements.
hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.