Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Natural Thyroid Remedy - How to Remedy Your Thyroid Condition Naturally

Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Natural Thyroid Remedy - How to Remedy Your Thyroid Condition Naturally.

In this article I'm going to cover some common natural thyroid remedies which WILL help you to manage you hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroxine in the body. This is often called an under active thyroid and will have a slowing effect on the bodies functions. There are many ways to treat this naturally, without invasive surgery.

There are a number of causes for hypothyroidism, here are some of the more commonly sighted ones:

o Stress

o Iodine deficiency

o Some Medications

o Estrogen Dominance

o Thyroid Resistance

o Radioactive iodine

o Infection

o Autoimmune disease like Hashimoto's

o Pregnancy

o Other nutritional deficiencies eg. Selenium and Tyrosine may also contribute

Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

o Feeling weak

o Tiredness / Sleepiness

o Dry and coarseness of the skin

o Slow wound healing and easy bruising

o Hair loss / brittle hair

o Poor memory and Concentration

o Constipation

o Reduced appetite

o Depression

o Sensitivity to the cold

o Weight Gain

o Difficulty swallowing

o Hoarse voice, slow speech

o Increased susceptibility to infections

o Puffy face and hands

o Stiff and aching muscles

Your Natural Thyroid Remedy:

Firstly I would recommend adjusting your diet to include Tyrosine. This can be found in foods such as:

Chicken Breast



Low fat milk





Pumpkin & Sesame seeds


And also to add in foods that include iodine such as salt water fish and Kelp. This may sound strange but kelp and other iodine rich supplements like Thyromine are easily available by order on the internet.

I would recommend you cut down or cut out foods with natural goitrogens. These are compounds that can interfere with the absorption of iodine into your body. This can often result in the enlargement of your thyroid gland. Some examples of these foods include.



Brussels Sprouts (luckily I didn't like these much anyway)




Sweet Potatoes


Herbs should also be a big part of your natural thyroid remedy but be careful as some will have a damaging effect on the thyroid gland. Here are some herbs to avoid as they can hinder your thyroid:

o Bamboo

o Wheat grass

o Burdock

o Lemon balm, and

o Ginseng

A fantastic herb to include in your natural thyroid remedy is Coleus forskohliiv. This is a popular form of ayurvedic medicine primarily used to help decrease pressure from the bloodstream. This herb should be used in conjunction with:

o Acorn-us

o Poria

o Ginseng

o Dioscorea, and

o Cinnamon

It is also worth mentioning nettle here as a good addition to your natural thyroid remedy. This is because nettle is an important source of iodine and is often given to those that are iodine deficient.

Along with any of these dietary and herbal remedies I would definitely recommend Thyromine. This works with your body to help your thyroid function properly and hence is a great natural thyroid remedy. This is a completely natural supplement that can complement any medical treatment you undergo (although I would always recommend consulting a doctor if you are in any doubt).

hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.