Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Hypothyroidism - Your Diet Is The Boss.
Hypothyroidism is a dangerous condition that should be taken seriously. It can have a major impact on every aspect of your life; however, controlling your diet can help you curtail the effects of the condition. This article will inform you on what hypothyroidism is, how it affects the body, and ways to help control its affects through diet.
What Hypothyroidism Is
Hypothyroidism is due to an abnormally low production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland which is controlled by the pituitary gland. The low levels of thyroid hormone are known to affect cellular processes and metabolism and growth and development. The thyroid creates its hormones from the amounts of iodine in food and released when triggered by the pituitary gland. Hypothyroidism is rather common and is often caused by medication, low iodine levels, a malfunctioning thyroid or pituitary gland, radiation, or associated with another disease such as Lymphocytic thyroiditis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Effects of Hypothyroidism
Individuals with hypothyroidism can have devastating effects on the human body and as the disease furthers without treatment the signs and symptoms worsen. Hypothyroidism can affect just about every part of the human body; here are a few examples: can cause thinning and change the texture of your hair, dehydrate your skin, puffy eyes and face, cause constipation, inability to tolerate colder temperatures, fatigue and sleepiness, depression, leg swelling and all around aches and pain, increased cholesterol levels, and weight gain due to a slow metabolism. Know that if the condition is not properly treated coma and death can result.
Although hypothyroidism can be treated, areas that will more difficult to regain control of would include weight gain. Medication can control the effects of hypothyroidism rather quickly but there will still be the issues of the weight that was gained while the condition was out of control. It's imperative that weight gain is controlled to better the condition; diet and exercise can help.
Hypothyroidism and Diet
Your diet directly affects hyperthyroidism and therefore must be addressed and controlled. As with just about any medical condition there are foods that help and hinder. Now, you will still need to exercise with dealing with hypothyroidism. Remember, exercise increases your metabolism, helps you lose weight, makes you feel healthier, lessens stress levels, and makes your body function better.
To better control hypothyroidism via diet, increase foods that have high doses of tyrosine such as lima beans, pumpkin and sesame seeds, fish and lean meat, poultry, bananas, lentils, avocados, low-fat milk and yogurt, spinach and carrots. Each of these foods will help increase your thyroid production and will help your thyroid function better. Now, these may not be your favorite foods, but you can get them past your lips to better the quality of your life.
Now, if there is a ying than there is a yang; thus, to control your hypothyroidism you will have to avoid some foods as well - even if they are your favorites. Remember, the goal is to control hypothyroidism and to better your quality of life. Avoid spinach, tofu, soy beans, strawberries, radishes, peaches, broccoli and cauliflower, turnips, peanuts, and everyone's beloved carbohydrates which will increase insulin levels and lead your body to resist weight loss.
As few other tips for dealing with hypothyroidism and diet: avoid stimulants like coffee, soda, and alcohol and control your salt intake. Additionally, try eating several small meals throughout the day instead of three heavy meals. Add fiber to you diet if you are not getting enough and lessen its intake if you are getting too much. Fiber can be tricky when dealing with hypothyroidism; too much fiber, prevents nutrition from being absorbed and too little leaves waste and water weight gain in your body. Keep a healthy balance. Exercise and add some weight training to your workout to help boost your metabolism. Focus on being healthy, exercising, and especially keeping your daily eating habit in check and your body will keep your thyroid in check.
hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.