Hashimoto S Thyroiditis Diet Losing Weight With A Thyroid Problem - How To Diet If Youre Hypothyroid.
Since being diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis in 1999 weight has always been a bit of an issue. Initially whilst my body adjusted to taking levothyroxine, the pounds dropped off, but were quickly replaced again once my metabolism adjusted.
How can you tell if you have an underactive thyroid like me?
The best way is to look at the list of symptoms below. If you tick off most or all of them then the chances are that you have an underactive thyroid & should seek a blood test to confirm this as soon as possible from your doctor - PLEASE don't buy drugs over the net & self medicate ! Thyroid drugs if taken by people who don't need them can have very serious health implications & can even cause heart attacks.
Symptoms - fatigue & lethargy, unexplained weight gain, intolerance to cold (not good when you're a ski buff like me!), constipation, excessive menstruation, dry skin & hair, excessive hair loss, loss of libido & a hoarse voice.
If you think you match up to the above list, please seek advice from your doctor. Personally, over the last year, my drugs have been reduced dramatically then increased again. Unfortunately, for me, this has resulted in a substantial weight gain, even though my thyroid hormone levels have balanced out again.
Normal diets don't appear to work however, believe me, I've tried! There is a school of thought that people with underactive thyroids don't process carbohydrates well & I seem to fall into this category. Reducing your intake of carbs will definitely help in the weight loss goal, plus you need to do a minimum of 3 x 30 minute cardiovascular exercise sessions per week to really see a difference. Increase your fruit & veg intake to make up for the carbohydrate reduction & you should see a slow, gradual weight loss.
Dieting isn't rocket science - you just need some discipline! This is working for me & I am losing 1-2 pounds per week - read more tips on my blog.
hashimoto s thyroiditis diet.